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Working from home

Kurtis Rainbolt-Greene krainboltgreene

Working from home
View GitHub Profile
require 'ostruct'
module Person
attr_accessor :name, :hand
NAMES = %w[
[17.44.42] < pyrotechnick> Meteor more like Meatybore
[17.45.05] < pyrotechnick> Fall colors in spring, you have to be kidding me.
[17.45.13] <@Nexxy> rofl
[17.45.32] < pyrotechnick> npm init meatyboar
[17.47.57] < pyrotechnick> i wish npm had smart packages
[17.48.19] < yaymukund> pyrotechnick: what do you mean by smart packages?
[17.48.20] < AAA_awright> As if we need any more npm...
[17.48.30] < pyrotechnick> its so stupid and standards-compliant
[17.48.56] < deoxxa> lol AAA_awright, how's your pure git system going?
[17.48.57] < jhbot> 'Server-side includes in expressjs' by Cliff F

Learn Io For Supreme Sorcery

Welcome to the simplest programming book in all the multiverses. In this book you'll learn how to program. Some people have accidentally learned how to program in Io at the same time. We take no responsibility for those incidents.

Through out this book you'll be introduced to the Io language and be building a Text Based Adventure. That's just a fancy word for "adventure computer game that uses text as the medium and the user has a large amount of control over what happens." Try saying it with your pinky raised and you'll sound pretty fancy.

en: "Sign Out"
en: "You have no ideas, why don't you make some?"
es: "Usted no tiene ninguna idea, ¿por qué no hacer algo?"
en: "Find Posts"

Alright, so I was attempting to download files from one website (images specifically) and have CarrierWave handle uploading them to Amazon S3. Pretty simple, right?

So here's a mock of the code used:

hash_of_ids_to_image_url.each do |id, url|
  user = User.find id
  if user.present?
    avatar = open path
 user.avatar = avatar
html(5) ->
meta ->
title ->
"My Website"
body({ class:, id: }) ->
p ->
"Hello, World!"
Game idea: Tolk
The game starts off with the player selecting one of the 12 gods to be his creator. They range from good, neutral, to bad. Magically inclined to fist inclined. All sorts of gods. The god picked gives a single bonus to the player's race.
After that the player is directed to build their immortal. The immortal is the first born of that race and (clued in by the name) is immortal. The player builds a persona with the same amount of detail as City of Heroes, Saints Row, etc. From facial shape to clothing.
Then the player chooses traits, 1 major attribute, 2 minor attributes, 3 major skills, and 4 minor skills. These will be used throughout the gameplay for things like diplomacy, stopping riots, or opening up technology trees.
The player then starts the actual turn based game. He gets 1 settler, 1 warrior, and himself as a unit. They look mostly like the immortal. The game plays out much like civilization would, but with deeper diplomacy. After the 5th turn the immortal gets to name his people a

Hey Jaun,

Here are my tips and pitfalls for building a REST API with Rails and Rabl:

  • Go check this out: Save yourself a lot of time.
  • Don't use the rails generators, including the rails-api generators. API endpoints should be built as needed.
  • Make sure to use oj and multi_json, insane amounts of performance boosts.
  • RABL can have a few hickups with Rails::API, but there's only two

Explanation of Why I Made EmailSpy

It's wednesday night and I'm working on a client's project. I'm making the app use S3 assets instead of assets compiled by me and on Heroku. I notice that the production emails are wonky, specifically with the assets and links. I grab letter_opener and run development.

Suddenly, an error! I check out the trace and see that it's actually something wrong in letter_opener. I grab the trace line and google.

Strength (min: 6, threshold: 6):
Body (min: 5, threshold: 6):
Dexterity (threshold: 6):
Reflex (min: 5, threshold: 7):
Intelligence (min: 4, threshold: 6):
Willpower (min: 6, threshold: 11):
Charisma (min: 3, threshold: 3):
Edge (threshold: 7):
Social Standing (min: 4, threshold: 8):