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busy keeping this website online

Kris Nóva krisnova

busy keeping this website online
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krisnova /
Last active January 20, 2018 20:04
Destroy Provisioners in Terraform

Destroy Provisioners in Terraform

Feature Spec - Issue #386

Terraform users would like to see Terraform support destroy provisioners that would run before a destroy action. There are many use cases documented in the terraform github issue #386 on how this would be helpful to users.

It seems the Terraform community has a shared consesus that custom destroy steps should be handled somehow with a terraform provisioner. This feature spec is an attempt to propose a solution to the following question.

What would be the best way to implement custom destroy action with provisioners?

krisnova /
Last active October 27, 2016 17:38
Datapipe Coding Interview

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am kris-nova on github.
  • I am krisnova ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is F51F EA28 B1F5 36A6 77FE DB69 1615 C002 A59D 1C7A

To claim this, I am signing this object:

krisnova / scope.go
Created December 15, 2016 06:51
Scope with {}
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
n := "Hello Good!"
n := "Hello Bad!"
krisnova / clusterSpec.yaml
Created December 29, 2016 11:49
Example kops Cluster Spec
apiVersion: kops/v1alpha2
kind: Cluster
creationTimestamp: "2016-12-29T11:48:22Z"
channel: stable
cloudProvider: aws
configBase: s3://nivenly-state-store/
krisnova /
Last active February 3, 2017 03:35
Output from a GPS run with the new output

Root project is "/Users/kris/Workspace/kops"
69 transitively valid internal packages
132 external packages imported from 17 projects
krisnova / cluster.yaml
Created April 3, 2017 19:21
# Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored,
# and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this file will be
# reopened with the relevant failures.
apiVersion: kops/v1alpha2
kind: Cluster
[kris@polly gps]$ lscpu | grep "CPU(s):"
CPU(s):                16
[kris@polly gps]$ git rev-parse HEAD
[kris@polly gps]$ go test -race ./...
Read at 0x00c4202ee0a0 by goroutine 15:*monitoredCmd).run()
package main
import "io/ioutil"
type AzureBlobber interface {
Render() ([]byte, []byte, error)
type MyAzureBlob struct {
Paramters map[string]interface{}