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Kristian Mandrup kristianmandrup

  • Freelancer
  • Copenhagen
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# Proposal for a Simulated::Transactions API, "A Simulated Transaction Log and Rollback API"
# The example shows how this common API could be used for Mongo DB and Mongoid, both transactionless persistence stores?
# This API could be used in testing frameworks such as rspec, test-unit, cucumber and the like
# in order to ensure running a test doesn't have side effects, even in the context of a transactionless persistence store
class DocA
include MongoMapper::Document
# include specific Simulated::Transactions model
# To make it possible to switch Model between persistence solutions, fx from Active Record to Mongoid and back
Person: &Person
_inherits: Being # polymorphic or mongoid
name: string(index:required) # index
age: integer(numeric) # short = num
one_belonging: *User
many_belonging: *Post
Obsolete projects:
Cucumber-rails3-patched, Rspec-rails3-gen, Rails3-generator-gem-generator (use Gskelgen instead!), Trace-util-adv, Txt-file-mutator
Hobo-dryml-logging, Hobo-dryml-uncovered, trace-hobo, advanced-trace-util, Hobo DRYML extensions
Gems that work: Thor, Paperclip, Thortask_generator, Require-magic, Cucumber-rails, Rspec-rails, Formtastic
Gems that mostly work:
Translate routes - not sure how to fix the Routes segments stuff!
Gems to be tested: Rails, GSkelgen
Use thor tasks as thor-wrapper to build set of development scripts!
Use octopi API to access github!
TODO for May 2010
Works now, but needs a cleanup and refactoring of the code into more files and modules etc.
Remove redundancy! Do it using existing test-suite!
Ruby code Query and Manipulation Language (RQML)
Ruby Rails stack
Use cases
Authentication and Authorization
- Devise (User only)
- Cancan (roles and permissions)
# Rails thor Gemfile action helpers
# Cleans up a Gemfile by inserting missing newlines between gem statements
# Fixes old 'bug', where gem statements would be inserted into Gemfile without newlines
# ==== Examples
# cleanup_gemfile
def cleanup_gemfile
# add newline between each gem statement in Gemfile
gsub_file 'Gemfile', /('|")gem/, "\1\ngem"
Free MongoDB hosting
CSS rules on Nokogiri nodes
module Nokogiri
module XML
module NodeCssExt
attr_accessor :rules
attr_accessor :styles
# merge rules by specificity
def merge_rules!
Ruby Query and Manipulation Language
Finally the DSL is getting pretty stable. Latest ideas in the TODO of ruby_traverser ;)