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in your codebase, fixing your bugz

Loris Cro kristoff-it

in your codebase, fixing your bugz
View GitHub Profile
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() !void {
const oh = error {
var x: oh!u8 =;
if (x) |_| {
package main
import (
func main () {
> HSET vec:1 x 10 y 5 z 23
(integer) 3
> HSET vec:2 x 2 y 5 z 5
(integer) 3
> RG.PYEXECUTE 'import numpy; GearsBuilder().map(lambda x: [float(x["value"]["x"]), float(x["value"]["y"]), float(x["value"]["z"])]).accumulate(lambda a, x: x if a is None else numpy.mean([a, x], axis=0)).flatmap(lambda x: x.tolist()).run("vec:*")'
1) 1) "14.0"
2) "5.0"
3) "6.0"
2) (empty list or set)
import numpy as np
def hash2list(redis_key):
h = redis_key['value'] # redis_key contains 'key' and 'value'
return [float(h['x']), float(h['y']), float(h['z'])]
def do_mean(acc, x):
if acc is None:
return x
$ redis-cli hset vec:1 x 10 y 5 z 23
$ redis-cli hset vec:2 x 2 y 5 z 5
$ cat | redis-cli -x RG.PYEXECUTE
1) 1) "14.0"
2) "5.0"
3) "6.0"
2) (empty list or set)
$ redis-cli hset vec:1 x 10 y 5 z 23
$ redis-cli hset vec:2 x 2 y 5 z 5
$ python3
>>> import redis
>>> r = redis.Redis(decode_responses=True) # decode_responses is useful in py3
>>> script = open("path/to/", 'r').read()
>>> r.execute_command("RG.PYEXECUTE", script)
[['14.0', '5.0', '6.0'], []]
GearsBuilder().filter(lambda x: x['key'].startswith('audited-')).foreach(lambda x: execute('xadd', 'audit-logs', '*', 'key', x['key'])).register()
GearsBuilder('StreamReader').foreach(lambda x: execute('zadd', 'audit-counts', '1', x['key'])).register('audit-logs')
> RG.PYEXECUTE "GearsBuilder().filter(lambda x: int(x['value']['age']) > 35).foreach(lambda x: execute('del', x['key'])).run('user:*')"
kristoff-it /
Last active June 11, 2019 12:59
Installing numpy
# Connect to the container. Use `docker container list` to know the container name.
$ docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME bash
# Attach to the virtual environment. This is probably going to be streamlined in future versions.
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install python-pip
$ pip install pipenv
$ cd /opt/redislabs/lib/modules/python3/
$ pipenv shell