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function my_custom_nf_action( $types ) {
$types['my_action'] = PATH_TO_MY_ACTION_CLASS_FILE;
return $types;
add_filter( 'nf_notification_types', 'my_custom_nf_action' );
function bust_godaddy_caching( $url, $form_id ) {
$new_url = add_query_arg( array( 'nocache' => 1 ), $url );
return $new_url;
add_filter( 'ninja_forms_ajax_url', 'bust_godaddy_caching', 10, 2 );
function ninja_forms_custom_display( $form_id ) {
// Output text received from the database before our field output.
$text = get_stuff_from_somewhere_else( $form_id );
echo '<h4>'. $text . '</h4>';
add_action( 'ninja_forms_display_before_form', 'ninja_forms_custom_display' );
function ninja_forms_custom_display( $before_fields, $form_id ) {
// Output text received from the database before our field output.
$text = get_stuff_from_somewhere_else( $form_id );
$before_fields .= '<h4>'. $text . '</h4>';
return $before_fields;
add_filter( 'nf_frontend_before_form', 'ninja_forms_custom_display', 10, 2 );
* This variable holds all of our custom strings for form display.
* It can be accessed and used by our JS code.
var nfDynamicContent = {
beforeForm: '',
beforeFields: '<h4>Please check your fields carefully!</h4>',
afterFields: '',
afterForm: ''
kstover / nf-sample-field-type-localization-data.js
Created November 4, 2015 18:54
Sample data for localizing field types.
this.collection = new fieldTypeCollection( [
id: 'textbox',
nicename: 'Textbox',
alias: [ 'input' ],
parentType: '',
settingGroups: new fieldTypeSettingGroupCollection( [
name: '',
display: true,
* Work around for Require, Radio, and WordPress.
* Returns the WordPress-loaded version of Backbone for use with things that need it and use Require.
* @since 3.0
* @return Object Backbone Object
define( function() {
return Backbone;
* Work around for Require, Radio, and WordPress.
* Returns the WordPress-loaded version of Underscore for use with things that need it and use Require.
* @since 3.0
* @return Object Underscore Object
define( function() {
return _;
kstover / backbone-wp-tutorial-base-admin.js
Created December 10, 2015 21:22
Intro to Backbone & WordPress Tutorial - Part 1 - Base Admin.js File
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
* JS goes here
} );
// Create a new object for custom validation of a custom field.
var mySubmitController = Marionette.Object.extend( {
initialize: function() {
this.listenTo( 'field-4', 'change:field', this.nameChange ) );
nameChange: function( el, model ) {
// Split your model value
var value = model.get( 'value' );