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kubek2k /
Last active February 8, 2016 13:07
Gets on call calendar from PagerDuty
import urllib2
import urllib
import sys
import os
import json
import datetime
from pytz import timezone
FROM_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
TO_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
var http = require('http');
module['exports'] = function echoHttp (hook) {
hook.debug("Debug messages are sent to the debug console");
kubek2k /
Created May 25, 2015 08:21
Handy hamcrest map matcher
public static class MapMatcher<K, V> extends TypeSafeMatcher<Map<K, V>> {
private final Map<K, V> desiredContents = new HashMap<>();
protected boolean matchesSafely(final Map<K, V> item) {
for(final Map.Entry<K, V> kvEntry : this.desiredContents.entrySet()) {
if (!kvEntry.getValue().equals(item.get(kvEntry.getKey()))) {
return false;
kubek2k /
Last active October 20, 2015 10:04
Get all repositories for a given organization in GH or GHE
curl -u $GITHUB_USER:$GITHUB_TOKEN https://$GITHUB_HOST/api/v3/users/$GITHUB_ORG/repos?per_page=1000 | json -a 'ssh_url'
kubek2k / gist:86effe7ac6943dd4f2aa
Created January 4, 2016 09:55
Get all AWS users with their access keys
aws iam list-users | jq '.Users[].UserName' | xargs -n1 -J % aws iam list-access-keys --user-name % | jq '.AccessKeyMetadata[].AccessKeyId + ":" + .AccessKeyMetadata[].UserName'
kubek2k / log.xml
Created February 8, 2016 12:56
Copy this, go to livetemplates, select "other" and paste
<template name="log" value="private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger($CLASS_NAME$.class);" description="Creates slf4j logger" toReformat="false" toShortenFQNames="true">
<variable name="CLASS_NAME" expression="className()" defaultValue="" alwaysStopAt="false" />
<option name="JAVA_DECLARATION" value="true" />

Craft Conference writeup:

  • Wonderful keynote by Dan North about being aware of uncertainity:
  • It was pretty unfortunate, but Kyle Kingsbury couldn't make it to the conference, but he managed to record a video for Jepsen V: (didn't manage to see it yet)
  • Adam Tornhill showing outcomes of his static code analysis over large codebases . Though I've already seen this presentation, I again started to wonder what would have happened if we would apply it on our codebase. I do disagree with him in terms of copy and paste though (its not that straightforward in terms of microservices)
  • Rachel has proven to me that XP is still up there in some companies, but some of its practices I still consider unfounded - still there was a nice term of emerge of "Full Spectrum Developer" - person that is not only doing development, but also tak

Top picks from StrangeLoop 2016

These are the presentations, which I did like most (and had a chance to watch). Order matters:

  • Idealized commit logs - the best talk IMO. Andrew Shreve shows his approach to better understanding of programs by using technique called program slicing - the idea is to decompose program and its tests in way that every 'commit' contains the smallest part of the code that makes included test pass. This way you get a history of program, which aims at incremental development of understanding. Awesome stuff.

  • Clojure spec - the technique that is built into the language, allowing you to express the constraints over values as a part of function signature definition. Having those, you are able to validate, auto-document and auto-test (genertively) code. While its not a super innovative idea - it's interesting to see something like this to be implemented as a part of the language (i

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am kubek2k on github.
  • I am kubek2k ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBpjt6cJscJnRZAjsy9FlPtg2ZIjB6xBMUKjZJFPi2kPAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Notes from lecture of Kyle "aphyhr" Kingsbury

original talk

Initially he talked about the problems that he has found in multiple widely used DB's. Then he moved on to commercial products and described in detail what are those based on, and what kind of problems these can face.