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Alexander Chepurnoy kushti

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Ergo Addresses

In today's article, we will have a closer look into the Ergo address formatting. In addition to that we are going to explain how they work specifically as well as what makes them preferable to other types of blockchain addresses.

Let's start at the very beginning.

The moment you install any cryptocurrency wallet you automatically create an address with it. Very loosely speaking you can compare a wallet to a traditional bank account and an address to the matching account number. It is precisely one of these alphanumeric addresses that's needed to either send money from person A to person B, receive money or withdraw your mining rewards. If you want to get started using the Ergo wallet and dive deeper into its functions go check out the following link.

kushti / mainnet.conf
Created November 2, 2019 18:42
Mainnet config for a light node (no UTXO, checking and storing only last 2880 blocks)
ergo {
directory = "/home/kushti/ergo/mainnet-light/.ergo"
node {
stateType = "digest"
blocksToKeep = 2880
mining = false
{ "mnemonic": "do not reveal your secret mnemonic to anyone", "node": "", "keepPrehash": true }
ergo {
node {
mining = true
scorex {
restApi {
# you may wish to configure an apiKeyHash to use your wallet. Check for wallet documentation.
apiKeyHash = "1111"
ergo {
node {
stateType = "digest"
blocksToKeep = 2880
mining = false
kushti / gist:eff51185cbfcd22d3214818a422a2dea
Created December 3, 2019 15:21
Ergo node launching command (Linux)
curl -s | sh -s -- --api-key=<YOUR_API_KEY>
kushti / yarn
Created September 23, 2020 16:24
yarn run v1.21.1
$ yarn build && electron ./app/main/electron.js
$ rimraf app/ && yarn compile && webpack --config webpack.config.js
$ tsc
Hash: c52e803eccfc46f6220f
Version: webpack 4.41.2
Hash: c52e803eccfc46f6220f
Time: 29114ms
Built at: 09/23/2020 7:22:14 PM
Семинар 6: структуры данных с подтверждением
Реализовать одну из следующих структур данных с подтверждением.
Один человек делает доклад про:
1) мотивацию, с которой схема была разработана
2) поддерживаемые структурой операции и их асимптотики
3) реализации и конкретные цифры производительностей операций
4) как делается тестирование программ
pub use ergo_node_interface::node_interface::{NodeInterface, NodeError};
fn main() {
let api_key= "...";
let ip = "";
let port= "9053";
let node = NodeInterface::new(api_key, ip, port);
let h: Result<u64, NodeError> = node.current_block_height();
ergo {
node {
# do not store UTXO set
stateType = "digest"
# download and keep only ~4 days of full-blocks
blocksToKeep = 2880
mining = false