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# Helpful stuff from:
ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do
def self.validates_as_file(*attr_names)
options = {:max_size => 1, :extensions => '.txt'}.merge(attr_names.extract_options!)
options[:extensions] = [options[:extensions]] unless options[:extensions].is_a?(Array)
validates_each(attr_names, options) do |record, attr_name, value|
unless value.is_a?(Tempfile)
record.errors.add(attr_name, 'must be a file')
# Pretty sure you can't do a range of numbers like ([01-31])
# Instead, you'll have to do ([0-3]?[0-9]):
# I also condensed the separate years into one rule
#RewriteEngine On
#RedirectMatch 301 /(2006|2007|2008|2009)/([0-1]?[0-9])/([0-3]?[0-9]))/(.*)$$1/$2/$3/$4
#Ok, here's an updated one:
RewriteEngine On
// All links with class delete
// This should work--if cancel is pressed, it returns false, canceling
// the click. I haven't tested it out myself, though.
return confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this item?");
function viddlerVideoSwitch(objectElement, newId) {
viddlerVideoInterface(objectElement, function(movie){
movie.setMovie(videoId, true);
}, function(video){
video = $(video);
var src = video.attr('src');
var poster = video.attr('poster');
var oldId = src.match(/file\/([^\/]+)\/html5/)[1];
var oldIdRegexp = new RegExp(oldId);
video.attr('src', src.replace(oldIdRegexp, newId));