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Gemma Hentsch ladyrassilon

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HOST_IP = ""
UDP_PORT = 5557
SHARE_PATH = "/Volumes/ford_media_server/"
# SHARE_PATH = "/Users/rassilon/temp/"
INPUT_SHARE_PATH = "/Users/rassilon/temp/input/"
OUTPUT_SHARE_PATH = "/Users/rassilon/temp/output/"
"MacOS":"/Applications/Adobe\ After\ Effects\ CS5.5/aerender -project %s -comp \"Comp 1\" -output %s -reuse"
"listen_port": 12006,
ladyrassilon / lauraessay.txt
Created January 12, 2012 18:39
Laura's Essay
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tellus quam, ultrices eu semper quis, elementum id elit. Sed facilisis, libero sit amet fermentum pellentesque, tortor lectus commodo justo, vitae consectetur felis ligula vitae quam. Proin quis orci sed nunc bibendum venenatis ultricies id leo. Suspendisse semper bibendum tortor, eu condimentum lacus hendrerit ut. In imperdiet hendrerit massa ut dictum. Nulla sed luctus enim. Donec justo metus, commodo rutrum tempor sit amet, tempus quis augue. Duis a orci non quam sodales pulvinar sit amet vel enim. Ut vulputate vulputate elementum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer eget enim consequat nisi auctor dapibus vel ac nulla.
Maecenas congue sapien vel urna posuere id consectetur neque aliquam. Duis interdum lorem non nisl feugiat congue. Curabitur imperdiet auctor pharetra. Nam vel enim orci, vitae iaculis elit. Maecenas justo orci, tincidunt nec gravida nec, scelerisque nec urna. Aliquam a
ladyrassilon / laurahipsteressay.txt
Created January 12, 2012 18:42
Laura's Hipster Essay
Lomo PBR yr, freegan VHS butcher you probably haven't heard of them thundercats cardigan terry richardson. Aesthetic craft beer marfa chambray Austin, biodiesel freegan wolf jean shorts single-origin coffee cred viral gentrify williamsburg. Sartorial VHS iphone, before they sold out gluten-free +1 farm-to-table raw denim. Etsy tofu craft beer, organic hoodie aesthetic lomo 8-bit photo booth viral you probably haven't heard of them chambray carles. Twee american apparel marfa terry richardson, wes anderson lomo messenger bag VHS. Messenger bag 8-bit twee, biodiesel etsy readymade trust fund mustache wayfarers organic artisan. Terry richardson etsy wes anderson, vinyl fanny pack pitchfork viral mcsweeney's.
+1 put a bird on it photo booth, mixtape vinyl letterpress scenester. Carles quinoa beard banh mi, squid locavore trust fund shoreditch before they sold out PBR salvia raw denim stumptown biodiesel photo booth. Wolf vegan Austin sartorial. Next level banh mi banksy terry richardson, seitan lo-fi mustache. T
ladyrassilon / gist:3403900
Created August 20, 2012 13:16
method missing on notifier
class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block)
puts method_name
body = "Method name - #{method_name} \n"
mail(:to => Notifier.emergency, :subject => "Notifier is missing a called method", :body => body)
#I've tried putting in super and not super here
def respond_to?(method_name, include_private = false)
99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer,
Take one down and pass it around,
98 bottles of beer on the wall.
98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer,
Take one down and pass it around,
97 bottles of beer on the wall, 97 bottles of beer,
Take one down and pass it around,
96 bottles of beer on the wall.
96 bottles of beer on the wall.
96 bottles of beer on the wall, 96 bottles of beer,
ladyrassilon / dummy.sdf
Created May 23, 2013 16:36
sample sdf document
"lang": "en",
"fields": {
"geographic_domain": "GB",
"description": "Id sriracha art party, est stumptown try-hard leggings YOLO hoodie. Meh adipisicing tattooed ethnic, dolor reprehenderit umami beard selfies. Skateboard twee meggings, chambray fap eiusmod occupy sint cred bespoke brooklyn biodiesel sriracha. Cardigan brooklyn mcsweeney's, exercitation laborum biodiesel godard banjo raw denim actually. Trust fund pitchfork fingerstache id. Sed enim keytar hashtag irony dolor, brunch 3 wolf moon iphone next level disrupt. Selvage nulla pour-over assumenda, chambray selfies ethical VHS skateboard aesthetic actually 3 wolf moon cray consequat occupy.",
"tags": [
ladyrassilon / town_list.json
Last active December 17, 2015 19:39
Town list
"Ellesmere": 3,
"Ludlow": 1,
"Whixall": 1,
"Whitchurch": 1,
"Church Stretton": 1,
"Shrewsbury": 12,
"Bishops Castle": 1
ladyrassilon / output.json
Created September 14, 2013 21:54
wealth distribution json region
"pension_no_individuals_central": "6200",
"self_employed_median_lower": "10300",
"total_income_mean_central": "1990",
"total_tax_mean_upper": "22000",
"employment_median_upper": "15900",
"employment_no_individuals_upper_bound": "22000",
"year": "2005",
"self_employed_mean_lower": "18600",
ladyrassilon / totals.json
Created September 14, 2013 22:04
totals wealth distribution
"region": "United Kingdom",
"year": "2005",
"total_income_median_central": "44",
"total_income_mean_central": "1990"
"region": "England",
"year": "2005",