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laic /
Last active June 18, 2021 12:19
eddie/pytorch setup
## login to eddie, need to be in the university VPN. The password should be your ease password
## Go to an interactive node with a GPU
## From the login node, it's good to run screen so that if you lose the connection you can rejoin
## To reattach your session if you get bumped of you'll need to get to the same login node that you started from
## to get to login1 you neeed to do: ssh
laic /
Last active June 22, 2021 17:09
eddie/tts setup
## Get an interactive session on eddie with GPU
qlogin -l h_rt=48:00:00 -pe gpu 1 -l h_vmem=32G
## on eddie/interactive make sure you set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
source /exports/applications/support/
## load anaconda
module load anaconda
conda create -n tts11 python=3.8
laic /
Last active October 19, 2022 13:17
Install festival on mac (Speech Processing course voice)
## This assumes you have a working C++ compiler, and standard install tools like make
## You may need to install Xcode command line tools for the Mac.
## See:
## These instructions should also work for linux, but all the compilation tools should already be installed.
## Change the following to your actual UUN rather than s1234567
## make a working directory
## install festival using the apt package manager:
## the sudo command will ask you to enter your computer password (assuming you have admin privileges)
## Don't try this on the university computers!
sudo apt-get install festival
## you can try starting festival, it should load with a default voice kal_diphone
# festival
# festival> (SayText "Hello I'm Kal")
laic /
Last active November 17, 2021 09:32
Install HTK on a mac

Installing HTK on a MacBook (Nov 2021)

Install Homebrew and command line tools

You'll need to install (a Mac software manager) if you haven't already. This will let you download various packages on from the terminal with ease!

You may first need to install Mac commandline tools. These usually come with the very large Xcode software development package. But you can just install the commandline tools: Open up the terminal app and enter the following command

laic /
Last active November 11, 2022 16:22
A shell scripting primer by Jason Fong

A Bash Shell scripting Primer

Credit to Jason Fong (a few edits by Catherine Lai)

find out current location in disk (stands for "print working directory")


list contents of current directory

laic /
Last active January 29, 2023 21:23
Install HTK on ubuntu linux - hopefully this will also work for Ubuntu on Windows (e.g. WSL)

Installing HTK on ubuntu Linux (Nov 2021)

Please note I've not been able to test this on a clean install since my linux computer is old and already has an HTK installed on it!

These instructions are for installing HTK on your own computer. It's fine just to use the remote desktop though! If you use the remote desktop you don't have to install anything.

Installing on Ubuntu WSL 2 (18/11/2021)

I got HTK to work Ubuntu WSL 2 by installing a bunch of packages. To be honest, I'm not sure if I needed all of them, but I'll list them all here anyway.

First you need to make sure you are running WSL version 2. You can find out which version you are using by opening Powershell in Windows and typing