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Lakshay lakshay-arora

  • Walmart
  • Bengaluru
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result_1 = weekly_demand_collection.aggregate([
## stage 1
"$match" : {
"center_id" : {
"$eq" : 11
## stage 2
# importing required values
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# read the train data
train_data = pd.read_csv('dataset/train_kOBLwZA.csv')
# check for the null values
# define function to add the image in the html file with the class name
def get_picture_html(path, tag):
image_html = """<p> {tag_name} </p> <picture> <img src= "../{path_name}" height="300" width="400"> </picture>"""
return image_html.format(tag_name=tag, path_name=path)
# define function to add the list element in the html file
def get_count_html(category, count):
count_html = """<li> {category_name} : {count_} </li>"""
return count_html.format(category_name = category, count_ = count)
# get directory function in get images file
def get_directory(url):
return "URL_" + str(url.replace("/","_"))
# importing the required libaries
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for
from get_images import get_images, get_path, get_directory
from get_prediction import get_prediction
from generate_html import generate_html
from torchvision import models
import json
app = Flask(__name__)
# importing the required libraries
import json
import io
import glob
from PIL import Image
from torchvision import models
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
# Pass the parameter "pretrained" as "True" to use the pretrained weights:
model = models.densenet121(pretrained=True)
# get the summary of the numerical columns'Isball', 'Isboundary', 'Runs').describe().show()
# import the classification module
from pycaret import classification
# setup the environment
classification_setup = classification.setup(data= data_classification, target='Personal Loan')
# load model
dt_model = classification.load_model(model_name='decision_tree_1')