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OlegIlyenko / Event-stream based GraphQL
Last active July 4, 2024 07:31
Event-stream based GraphQL subscriptions for real-time updates

In this gist I would like to describe an idea for GraphQL subscriptions. It was inspired by conversations about subscriptions in the GraphQL slack channel and different GH issues, like #89 and #411.

Conceptual Model

At the moment GraphQL allows 2 types of queries:

  • query
  • mutation

Reference implementation also adds the third type: subscription. It does not have any semantics yet, so here I would like to propose one possible semantics interpretation and the reasoning behind it.

RobBlackwell / configuration.nix
Last active July 19, 2021 06:27
NixOS on Dell XPS 13
# Edit this configuration file to define what should be installed on
# your system. Help is available in the configuration.nix(5) man page
# and in the NixOS manual (accessible by running ‘nixos-help’).
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
imports =
[ # Include the results of the hardware scan.