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lancebecker / gist:1428899
Created December 4, 2011 02:16
Vundle failing to install bundles

If you check vundle's help log and it says git cannot be found, double check the value of $PATH

:echo $PATH

If this isn't correct you can usually run mvim to source the correct path.

lancebecker / gist:1428403
Created December 3, 2011 22:49
E353: Nothing in register *
tmux or screen breaks global pasteboard support, if you use mvim outside of tmux this error should go away.
lancebecker / Vim & Ctags
Created December 3, 2011 21:19
Adding Exuberant CTag support to VIM
Ctags will create a tags file, so make sure to add it to your global .gitignore file and never commit it
### Install exuberant ctags with brew
brew install ctags
### Decommission system ctags
set-option -g prefix C-a
set -g mode-keys vi
bind h select-pane -L
bind j select-pane -D
bind k select-pane -U
bind l select-pane -R
lancebecker / gist:652835
Created October 29, 2010 03:22
Setting an NSTextField text color to black
-(void) styleTextField {
[textField setTextColor:[NSColor blackColor]];
(* Gets the current path from a shell *)
tell application "Finder"
set pwd to do shell script "pwd"
set pwd to (POSIX file pwd) as string
-- Replicate the open command for example
open folder pwd
end tell