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* A program to carry on conversations with a human user.
* This is the initial version that:
* <ul><li>
* Uses indexOf to find strings
* </li><li>
* Handles responding to simple words and phrases
* </li></ul>
* This version uses a nested if to handle default responses.
* @author Jake Landaiche
* Generates a set of "grades" then averages them with and without the worst one
* Jake Landaiche
* 9/26/18
public class Grades
* Rain fall measurements
* Jake Landaiche
* 9/26/18
public class rainFall
public rainFall(){
landjd19 / gist:72ebbda4ff61fd3d617f6307d7b5fc9b
Created September 26, 2018 00:51
Run Password Generator
* This runs the program and gets the input.
* Jake Landaiche
* 2.2.0
import java.util.*;
public class MakePassword
* Bulk of the code that makes the actual password.
* Jake Landaiche
* 2.0
import java.util.*;
* Checks if input is a prime number.
* Jake Landaiche
* 1.0.0
import java.util.*;
public class isPrime
landjd19 / TempConverter
Created September 14, 2018 02:54
Temperature Converter Java Project
* Allows user to convert temperatures from fahrenheit to celsius and vice versa.
* Jake Landaiche (your name)
* 9/13/18 (a version number or a date)
landjd19 / GuessingGame
Created September 14, 2018 02:52
Guessing Game Java Project
* Random number generator that allows user three guesses as to which number 1-10 was generated.
* Jake Landaiche (your name)
* 9/13/18 (a version number or a date)
import java.util.*;
landjd19 / Module1
Created September 11, 2018 01:59
Hello World
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Prints "Hello, World" to the terminal window.
System.out.println("Hello, World. Jake Landaiche 3/8/01");