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Michael lantis1008

  • Australia
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lantis1008 /
Created June 15, 2015 04:59
enables WiFi toggle on button press on a WNDR3800 running Attitude Adjustment
#This script enables wifi toggle functionality on the Wifi button (BTN_2)
#of the WNDR3800 running Attiude Adjustment
cat << 'EOF'
STATUS=`iwconfig wlan0 2>&1 | grep 'No such device'`
lantis1008 /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
enables WiFi toggle on button press on a WNDR3800 running Barrier Breaker
#This script enables wifi toggle functionality on the Wifi button (BTN_2)
#of the WNDR3800 running Barrier Breaker
cat << 'EOF'
STATUS=`wifi status | grep -m 1 up | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' -e 's/"up": //'`