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lauras12 / Working with strings
Created May 1, 2020 00:18
Working with strings Assignment
Wiseperson Generator Drill -
Shouter Drill -
Text Normalizer Drill -
lauras12 / Working with Numbers
Created May 4, 2020 14:46
Working with Numbers Bloc Assignment
Area of a Rectangle Drill -
Temperature Conversion Drill -
Is Divisible Drill -
lauras12 / Application Logic js-v1
Created May 5, 2020 19:11
Application Logic js-vs Assignment
Traffic Lights Drill -
Error Alert Drill -
lauras12 / Working with Arrays
Created May 6, 2020 22:55
Working with Arrays Assignment
Creating arrays drill -
Adding array items drills -
Accessing array items drill -
Array length and access drill -
Array copying I drill -
Array copying II drill - ---------> (would like to walk thru this one)
Squares with map drill - ---------> (would like to walk thru this one)
Sort drild - ---------------------------------> (would like to walk thru this one)
Filter drill - -----------------------------> (would like to walk thru this one)
Find drill - ---------------------------------> (would like to walk thru this one
lauras12 / Loops & Arrays Assignment
Created May 12, 2020 20:35
Loops & Arrays Assignment
min and max (without sort) drill -
average drill - (would like to go over quickly)
fizzbuzz drill js -
lauras12 / Answers to questions about variable scope
Last active May 14, 2020 17:50
Answers to questions about variable scope
What is scope? Your explanation should include the idea of global vs. block scope.
Scope means the variable of access, how the variables you declare can or cannot be accessed throughout your code. When a piece of scope is running, you are able to ask, ‘what variables do I have access to?’ JavaScript also follows the scope chain to determine the value of the variable. Scope chain can be described as the process of chain of references to look for variables in the program. When the interpreter encounters a variable name, it looks through the different levels of scope to find the value, starting with the local and working outwards toward the global scope. If a variable is not defined in any scope, JavaScript will throw a name error.
Even though you want to avoid using them as much as possible, global scope refers to the variable(s) declared outside of the function. When you declare a global variable, you are able to access it everywhere in your code. You can even access global variables across different files.
lauras12 / Object Basics Drills
Created May 14, 2020 20:18
Object basics drills assignment
Object creator drill -
Object updater drill -
Self reference drill -
Deleting keys drill -
lauras12 / most frequent word analyzer challenge
Created May 20, 2020 15:39
Iterating through objects | js-v1 checkpoint
function getTokens(rawString) {
// The 'getTokens' function is definded by the parameter 'rawString'
return rawString.toLowerCase().split(/[ ,!.";:-]+/).filter(Boolean).sort();
// 'rawString.toLowerCase()' forces all of the characters in the rawString to lowercase.
// '.split(/[ ,!.";:-]+/)' splits the 'rawString' into a new array using the seperators (/[ ,!.";:-]+/) and where to
// spilt each word.
// '.filter(Boolean)' removes all of the false items from the array.
// '.sort()' sorts all of the items in the array alphabetically.
lauras12 / Final Files
Last active June 9, 2020 16:58
Quiz App
live page -
repo -
Headline - Hey, I’m Laura. I design and build websites!
Bio - I am a web developer and soon to be a recent graduate of the Web Development Career Path Bootcamp at Bloc. I have a passion for web design and love to create for web and mobile devices.
Originally from Chicago, I now spend the winter months in San Juan, Puerto Rico with my Black English Labrador puppy! Previously, I attended Newbury College in Boston studying Communications. I have worked for Financial Companies focusing on Public Relations, Media Relations, Investor Relations, and Communications. Then I found out how cool web development was and decided to make it my full-time job!
If I’m not in front of my laptop, I am probably going on a new adventure, golfing, reading on the beach, or trying to teach my puppy new tricks!
Projects - Title: Puerto Rico Quiz App
Description: This quiz app is a short 10 question quiz that tests your knowledge of Puerto Rico! The questions range from when was Puerto Rico discovered to what famous artists ar