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Created February 11, 2016 02:18
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create a ecommerce website

#start new project

django-admin startproject ecommerce

#setup templates directories in ecommerce/ecommerce/

PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(file))

#In TEMPLATES array, change DIRS from [] to

'DIRS': [os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'templates').replace('\','/')],

#Run an initial data migration

python migrate

#Add an admin user

python createsuperuser

#Add a home page:

#Edit ecommerce/ecommerce/

Add to urlpatterns array:


#Create new ecommerce/ecommerce/

#Add view handler

from django.shortcuts import render

def home(request):

return render(request, 'ecommerce/home.html', {})

#Create two new directories templates/eccommerce

(So that ecommerce/ecommerce/templates/eccommerce exists)

#In ecommerce/ecommerce/templates/eccommerce create home.html

#Insert some html

#Test your server



  1. In ecommerce/ecommerce/ add a new url route /register/


  1. In ecommerce/ecommerce/ add the relevant django user libraries.

from django.shortcuts import redirect

from django.contrib.auth.models import User

from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login,logout

def register(request):

#If user is not attempting to POST with their request, load up the register webpage

if request.method == 'GET' or request.method != 'POST':

        return render(request, 'ecommerce/register.html', {})

#Otherwise, print user's post request to the terminal log

print request.POST

#Create a new user using built in django user libraries, pulling information from their POST request

user = User.objects.create_user(username = request.POST['user_name'], email = request.POST['email'], password = request.POST['password'])

#If we are not successful in generating a user, reload the register webpage.

if not user:

   return render(request, 'ecommerce/register.html', {})

#Otherwise, we save the new user instance

#And then we log the user in.

user = authenticate(username=request.POST['user_name'],password=request.POST['password'])

login(request, user)

#Finally, we redirect to the homepage if we were successful in registering a new user. There is now a logged in user.

return redirect('/')
  1. Add a new template in ecommerce/ecommerce/templates/ecommerce/register.html

with the following

{% csrf_token %}

Email Address:





  1. Add an new route in ecoomerce/ecommerce/ for /login

  2. Add a new template called login.html, that only asks for username and password using a modified version of the form above.

  3. Form action = '/login/'

  4. Add a new view handler in

def login_user(request):

if request.method == 'GET' or request.method != 'POST':

   return render(request, 'ecommerce/login.html', {})

user = authenticate(username = request.POST['user_name'], password = request.POST['password'])

if not user:

   return redirect('/login')

login(request, user)

return redirect('/')


  1. Create a new url/view handler for /logout

  2. When /logout is called, redirect user to the home page

def logout_user(request):


return redirect('/')


  1. Create a new products app

python startapp products

  1. Add the new app to ecommerce/ecommerce/

INSTALLED_APPS = (...,'products')

  1. In ecommerce/ecommerce/ add

from django.conf.urls import include

url(r'^products/', include('products.urls', namespace = 'products')),
  1. Create new route in ecommerce/products/ - will probably need to create this file

from django.conf.urls import url

urlpatterns = [

 url(r'^$', 'products.views.index', name='index'),

  1. In ecommerce/products/

from products.models import Product

from django.shortcuts import render,redirect

add a view handler

def index

and in ecommerce/products/templates/products/ create an index.html (create the directory structure)

  1. Create a new Product Model by editing ecommerce/products/

class Product(models.Model):

  name = models.CharField(max_length=200)

  description = models.TextField()

  price = models.FloatField()

  def __str__(self):

  1. Run

python makemigrations

python migrate

  1. Create a few products in the shell by

python shell

In [1]: from products.models import Product

In [2]: p = Product() In [3]: = "Jet Pack" In [4]: p.description = "Super fast Jet Pack" In [5]: p.price = 10000 In [6]: In [7]: Product.objects.all() Out[7]: [<Product: Jet Pack>] 9) Update the view in products/ and the index.html to list all products through templating 10) Create new route and template, still in the products app, to show just one listing determined by the user entering the url products/id#. Reference your blog app if you need to. Name your new html page product.html

  • Return to your index.html and add a View Product link within your templating for loop. Link to the product single page view route that you have just created, setting the specific product's id {{}} as your url. Now the user can view each product on its own page. Test that this feature works before continuing.
  1. Create more then 10 products in the django shell


  1. Add pagination to the products listing page, show 10 products per page, by updating index in and index.html from django.core.paginator import Paginator, EmptyPage, PageNotAnInteger def index(request): all_products = Product.objects.all() paginator = Paginator(all_products, 10) page = request.GET.get('page') try: all_products =

    except PageNotAnInteger: all_products = except EmptyPage: all_products = return render(request,'products/index.html',{'products':all_products}) in index.html, under your printing of all products:

{% if products.has_previous %} previous {% endif %}
      Page {{ products.number }} of {{ products.paginator.num_pages }}.


{% if products.has_next %}

    <a href = "?page={{ products.next_page_number }}">next</a>

    {% endif %}



Try to comment out the paginator code to understand it


  1. Add search box to products listing page, search uses GET and query params to generate new page. The search query uses the name and description fields. in index.html add

2) In ecommerce/products/ from django.db.models import Q

in def index(request): search = request.GET.get('search') if search: all_products = all_products.filter(Q(name__icontains=search) | Q(description__icontains=search))

#Reading #Extenstion - Filter

  1. Allow the user to filter products by price. Use GET and query params. Filter by a range of prices (0-50, 50-100, 100+). Check out this resource:
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