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lazevedo / bashrc
Created November 8, 2016 12:14
OSX bashrc
# enable shell colors
export CLICOLOR=1
alias ls='ls -Fa'
# set PS1
if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]] ; then
PS1='\[\033[01;31m\]\h\[\033[01;34m\] \W \$\[\033[00m\] '
PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[01;34m\] \w \$\[\033[00m\] '
lazevedo / vimrc
Last active October 19, 2018 12:24
" Vundle Required Config
set nocompatible " be iMproved, required
filetype off " required
" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
" alternatively, pass a path where Vundle should install plugins
"call vundle#begin('~/some/path/here')
"color_scheme": "Packages/zenburn/zenburn.tmTheme",
"font_size": 10,
"highlight_line": true,
lazevedo /
Last active January 27, 2017 17:04
Renomeação de componentes
# sintaxe para OSX
# cd src/app/common ou cd src/app/components
cp -R old-component new-component
cd new-component
rename 's/old-component/new-component/g'
sed -i '' -- 's/old-component/new-component/g' new-component.*
sed -i '' -- 's/oldComponent/newComponent/g' new-component.*
sed -i '' -- 's/OldComponent/NewComponent/g' new-component.*
unbind C-b
set -g prefix C-a
bind C-a send-prefix
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
setw -g clock-mode-colour colour117
setw -g mode-attr bold
setw -g mode-fg colour117
setw -g mode-bg colour238