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def __call__(self,
a: Union[np.ndarray, tf.Tensor],
x: Union[np.ndarray, tf.Tensor],
y: Union[np.ndarray, tf.Tensor, None] = None) -> tuple:
a_new = tf.math.tanh(tf.linalg.matmul(tf.concat([a, x], axis=1), self.wa)
y_logits = tf.linalg.matmul(a_new, self.wy)
if y is None:
# during prediction return softmax probabilities
return (a_new, tf.nn.softmax(y_logits))
class Model:
def __init__(self, vocabulary: list = [], a_size: int = 0):
self.vocab = vocabulary
self.vocab_size = len(vocabulary)
self.a_size = a_size
self.combined_size = self.vocab_size + self.a_size
# weights and bias used to compute the new a
# (a = vector that is passes to the next time step)
self.wa = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal(
def sample_word(vocabulary: list, prob: np.ndarray) -> str:
# sample a word from the vocabulary according to 'prob'
# probability distribution (the softmax output of our model)
# until it is != <UNK>
while True:
word = np.random.choice(vocabulary, p=prob)
if word != UNK:
return word
def word2index(vocabulary: list, word: str) -> int:
# returns the index of 'word' in the vocabulary
return vocabulary.index(word)
def words2onehot(vocabulary: list, words: list) -> np.ndarray:
# transforms the list of words given as argument into
# a one-hot matrix representation using the index in the vocabulary
n_words = len(words)
n_voc = len(vocabulary)
indices = np.array([word2index(vocabulary, word) for word in words])
def build_sentences(vocabulary: list, sentences: list) -> list:
# transforms the list of sentences into a list of lists of words
# replacing words that are not in the vocabulary with <UNK>
# and appending <EOS> at the end of each sentence
processed_sent = []
n = len(sentences)
for i, sent in enumerate(sentences):
print('Creating sentences list: %05.2f%%' % (100*(i+1)/n,), end='\r')
s = []
for word in sent.strip().split():
UNK = '<UNK>' # Unknown word
EOS = '<EOS>' # End of sentence
def build_vocabulary(sentences: list, words_to_keep: int) -> list:
# builds a vocabulary using 'words_to_keep' most frequent words
# encountered in the list of sentences
vocabulary = {}
n = len(sentences)
for i, s in enumerate(sentences):
print('Creating vocabulary: %05.2f%%' % (100*(i+1)/n,), end='\r')
# Execute this with "pypy"
from timeit import timeit
n_iter = 100000
py_time = timeit(
setup='from fib import fib as py_fib',
from timeit import timeit
n_iter = 100000
py_time = timeit(
setup='from fib import fib as py_fib',
c_module_time = timeit(
import platform
from fib import fib as py_fib
from my_c_module import fib as c_module_fib
from ctypes import *
def print_c_array(ptr, n):
print('[', end='')
for i in range(n):
if i == n-1:
print(ptr[i], end=']\n')
def fib(n):
fib_lst = []
if n >= 1:
if n >= 2:
for i in range(2, n):