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Last active October 30, 2020 18:07
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  • Save lbonanomi/c32a7c6ae982ae4d81f4ac884258e006 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lbonanomi/c32a7c6ae982ae4d81f4ac884258e006 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Partially automated SVG scrolls
wd=$(mktemp -d)
function gothique {
# re-type everything in unicode blackletter font
for num in $(seq 65 90; seq 97 122)
dseed=$(echo "obase=10; ibase=16; $seed" | bc)
letter=$(echo | awk '{ print sprintf("%c", '$num') }')
cat $1 | awk '{split($0,chars,"");for(i=1;i<=length($0);i++) {if (chars[i] == "'$letter'") {system("printf \"\\U'$seed'\"")} else {printf chars[i]}}}' > $1.tmp && mv $1.tmp $1
seed=$(echo "obase=16; ibase=10; $((dseed+1))" | bc)
function initial {
# Firt letter of first line a little bigger, and in a colored box
echo $1 > $wd/initialize
gothique $wd/initialize
printf '<svg height="2000" width="5000">\n<rect x="550" y="150" width="480" height="380" style="fill:rgb(0,100,80);stroke:gold;stroke-width:20;opacity:1.0" />'
printf '<text x="600" y="450" fill="rgb(0,0,111)" font-size="23em">'$(cat $wd/initialize)'</text>'
rm $wd/initialize
if [[ -z "$1" ]]
echo "$0 reads files, not streams"
exit 1
# Add SVG headers
printf '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?><svg version="1.1" xmlns="" width="5000" height="2250" style="background: white">'
# Break-down input into individual lines. First letter of fist line should be made fancier
cat $1 | while read line
if [[ $ln == "0" ]]
echo $line | cut -c1 --complement > /$wd/$ln
initial $(echo $line | cut -c1)
echo "$line" > /$wd/$ln
gothique /$wd/$ln
# Initial vertical tab. NOTE: Also controls indentation
for part in $(ls $wd)
if [[ $line == 490 ]]
awk '{ print "<text x=\"1000\" y=\"'$line'\" font-size=\"10em\">"$0"</text>"}' $wd/$part
awk '{ print "<text x=\"600\" y=\"'$line'\" font-size=\"10em\">"$0"</text>"}' $wd/$part
printf "</svg>\n"
# Source handsome braidwork borders
printf "</svg>\n"
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?><svg version="1.1" xmlns="" width="5000" height="2250" style="background: white"><svg height="2000" width="5000">
<rect x="550" y="150" width="480" height="380" style="fill:rgb(0,100,80);stroke:gold;stroke-width:20;opacity:1.0" /><text x="600" y="450" fill="rgb(0,0,111)" font-size="23em">𝕷</text>
<text x="1000" y="490" font-size="10em">π•­π–”π–“π–†π–“π–”π–’π–Ž π–’π–Žπ–˜π–˜π–Šπ–˜ 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖔𝖋 π–π–Žπ–˜ π–‹π–—π–Žπ–Šπ–“π–‰π–˜ 𝖆𝖙</text>
<text x="600" y="690" font-size="10em">π–™π–π–Š π•Έπ–†π–—π–žπ–‘π–†π–“π–‰ π•½π–Šπ–“π–†π–Žπ–˜π–˜π–†π–“π–ˆπ–Š π•±π–†π–Žπ–—π–Š.</text>
<text x="600" y="1090" font-size="10em">𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖙 π–Žπ–˜ 𝖆𝖑𝖑.</text>
<svg height="2250" width="7000">
<rect width="500" height="2550" x="0" y="0" style="fill:rgb(255,0,0);stroke-width:3;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)" />
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<line x1="250" y1="0" x2="500" y2="250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="00" y1="250" x2="250" y2="500" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="500" y1="250" x2="250" y2="500" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="250" y1="250" x2="0" y2="500" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="250" y1="250" x2="500" y2="500" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="0" y1="500" x2="250" y2="750" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="500" y1="500" x2="250" y2="750" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<!-- 250 500 attaches the line to the tip of the top diamond, the 250,1000 to the top of the bottom diamond -->
<path d="M 250 500 Q 500,750 250,1000" stroke="rgb(220,220,80)" stroke-width="25" fill="none" />
<path d="M 250 500 Q 0,750 250,1000" stroke="rgb(220,220,80)" stroke-width="25" fill="none" />
<line x1="250" y1="750" x2="0" y2="1000" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="250" y1="750" x2="500" y2="1000" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="0" y1="1000" x2="250" y2="1250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="500" y1="1000" x2="250" y2="1250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="250" y1="1000" x2="0" y2="1250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="00" y1="1250" x2="250" y2="1500" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="250" y1="1500" x2="500" y2="1250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="250" y1="1000" x2="500" y2="1250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="250" y1="1250" x2="0" y2="1500" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="250" y1="1250" x2="500" y2="1500" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="0" y1="1500" x2="250" y2="1750" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="500" y1="1500" x2="250" y2="1750" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<path d="M 250 1500 Q 500,1750 250,2000" stroke="rgb(220,220,80)" stroke-width="25" fill="none" />
<path d="M 250 1500 Q 0,1750 250,2000" stroke="rgb(220,220,80)" stroke-width="25" fill="none" />
<line x1="250" y1="1750" x2="0" y2="2000" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="250" y1="1750" x2="500" y2="2000" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="0" y1="2000" x2="250" y2="2250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="500" y1="2000" x2="250" y2="2250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="250" y1="2000" x2="0" y2="2250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="00" y1="2250" x2="250" y2="2500" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="250" y1="2500" x2="500" y2="2250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="250" y1="2000" x2="500" y2="2250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
</svg> <svg height="2250" width="7000">
<rect width="500" height="2550" x="4500" y="0" style="fill:rgb(255,0,0);stroke-width:3;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)" />
<line x1="4750" y1="0" x2="4500" y2="250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4750" y1="0" x2="5000" y2="250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4500" y1="250" x2="4750" y2="500" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="5000" y1="250" x2="4750" y2="500" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4750" y1="250" x2="4500" y2="500" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4750" y1="250" x2="5000" y2="500" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4500" y1="500" x2="4750" y2="750" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="5000" y1="500" x2="4750" y2="750" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<!-- 250 500 attaches the line to the tip of the top diamond, the 250,1000 to the top of the bottom diamond -->
<path d="M 4750 500 Q 5000,750 4750,1000" stroke="rgb(220,220,80)" stroke-width="25" fill="none" />
<path d="M 4750 500 Q 4500,750 4750,1000" stroke="rgb(220,220,80)" stroke-width="25" fill="none" />
<line x1="4750" y1="750" x2="4500" y2="1000" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4750" y1="750" x2="5000" y2="1000" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4500" y1="1000" x2="4750" y2="1250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="5000" y1="1000" x2="4750" y2="1250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4750" y1="1000" x2="4500" y2="1250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4500" y1="1250" x2="4750" y2="1500" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4750" y1="1500" x2="5000" y2="1250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4750" y1="1000" x2="5000" y2="1250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4750" y1="1250" x2="4500" y2="1500" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4750" y1="1250" x2="5000" y2="1500" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4500" y1="1500" x2="4750" y2="1750" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="5000" y1="1500" x2="4750" y2="1750" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<path d="M 4750 1500 Q 5000,1750 4750,2000" stroke="rgb(220,220,80)" stroke-width="25" fill="none" />
<path d="M 4750 1500 Q 4500,1750 4750,2000" stroke="rgb(220,220,80)" stroke-width="25" fill="none" />
<line x1="4750" y1="1750" x2="4500" y2="2000" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4750" y1="1750" x2="5000" y2="2000" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4500" y1="2000" x2="4750" y2="2250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="5000" y1="2000" x2="4750" y2="2250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4750" y1="2000" x2="4500" y2="2250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4500" y1="2250" x2="4750" y2="2500" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4750" y1="2500" x2="5000" y2="2250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
<line x1="4750" y1="2000" x2="5000" y2="2250" style="stroke: rgb(220,220,80);stroke-width:25" />
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