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Louis DeLosSantos ldelossa

View GitHub Profile
config = """global
log local1 notice
chroot /var/lib/haproxy
user haproxy
group haproxy
stats socket /var/run/haproxysock level admin
log global
Akamai does not serve an asset retrieval when client is in specific geographic regions.
Summing up this github issue:
If a client makes a request to a Geo-Country-Code http header is tagged onto this request. When the request with this Geo-Country-Code header gets to the player server it will evluate this and determine which CDN to return. We are experiencing an issue where a request for the same asset made from US (physical location) succeeds but made from a client in Latam fails.
A follow-up message informs us that removing the crossOrigin attribute from the video tag allows it to work. They go on to say that headers are not correct on the responses.
I do not have a method of attempting a true (physical) lookup from another physical\geo location.
# GCE vimeo-logs shortcuts
# Images shortcuts
logs-lim() { gcloud --project vimeo-logs compute images list }
logs-rmim() { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "Deletes an image: [image-name]"; else
gcloud --project vimeo-logs compute images delete $1; fi }
# Instances shortcuts
logs-li() { gcloud --project vimeo-logs compute instances list }
# GCE vimeo-logs shortcuts
# Images shortcuts
logs-lim() { gcloud --project vimeo-logs compute images list }
logs-rmim() { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "Deletes an image: [image-name]"; else
gcloud --project vimeo-logs compute images delete $1; fi }
# Instances shortcuts
logs-li() { gcloud --project vimeo-logs compute instances list }



  • 4672db1d: Missing storage argument and type error when calling file.write (#514)

[solo] - 2020-07-13


name: Release

on: push: tags: - v4.*

jobs: build-binaries:

name: Release
- v4.*
provider "google" {
project = "cilium-dev"
region = "us-east4"
// create two vpc networks disconnected
// from one another.
resource "google_compute_network" "bgp_demo_network_1" {
name = "bgp-demo-network-1"
package gobgp
import (
v2alpha1api ""
// workDiff is a helper structure which provides fields and a method set
// for computing a diff of work to achieve a given
ldelossa /
Last active February 24, 2022 20:59
# build and push the cilium dev agent image to
# a local repository at localhost:5000
function cilium-agent-push {
if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
echo "tag not provided"
cd /home/louis/git/gopath/src/