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2019-05-13 21:02:26 - [sway/main.c:151] Linux hostname 5.1.0 #1 SMP Mon May 6 20:38:38 EDT 2019 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2019-05-13 21:02:26 - [sway/main.c:167] Contents of /etc/os-release:
2019-05-13 21:02:26 - [sway/main.c:151] PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux buster/sid"
2019-05-13 21:02:26 - [sway/main.c:151] NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
2019-05-13 21:02:26 - [sway/main.c:151] ID=debian
2019-05-13 21:02:26 - [sway/main.c:151] HOME_URL=""
2019-05-13 21:02:26 - [sway/main.c:151] SUPPORT_URL=""
2019-05-13 21:02:26 - [sway/main.c:151] BUG_REPORT_URL=""
2019-05-13 21:02:26 - [sway/main.c:167] Contents of /etc/debian_version:
2019-05-13 21:02:26 - [sway/main.c:151] buster/sid
leachim /
Last active April 11, 2022 10:56
GSoc 2021 - Michael Schneider - Turing.jl case studies for Latent Variable Models

GSoc 2021 - Turing.jl case studies for Latent Variable Models


My contribution during GSoC 2021 is two case studies for using Turing.jl with Latent Variable Models. The models I have implemented are probabilistic PCA and Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models and a few extensions of these models. Each one is documented in a separate Github pull request (see links below).

probabilistic PCA