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Orbitting the Moon

Christopher leachy14

Orbitting the Moon
  • Apple
  • NYC
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leachy14 / Drinking Age Test
Created November 28, 2014 03:06
A small JavaScript program to see if you can drink in the United States
<title> Test </title>
<h1> This is a page used to test javascript </h1>
alert("Im going tell you if you can drink in a bar or not, Please enter your age.");
var age = prompt("What is your age?");

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am leachy14 on github.
  • I am leachy14 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASB8Y_8rvk85GmWt341tXyh2rjQc4J9-9dnDHfgp220M4go

To claim this, I am signing this object:

leachy14 /
Created August 5, 2017 00:34
This is a simple quantum program that will put qubit 0 in an exited state and then superposition
import sys
sys.path.append('.../..../') # solve the relative dependencies if you clone QISKit from the Git repo and use like a global.
from qiskit import QuantumProgram
import Qconfig
Q_SPECS = { #quantum specs 4 qubits 4 cregisters
'circuits': [{
'name': 'Circuit',
'quantum_registers': [{
leachy14 /
Created August 5, 2017 05:18
ibmq program for factorial
import sys
from qiskit import QuantumProgram
import Qconfig
# Creating Programs
'circuits': [{
'name': 'Circuit',
leachy14 / attestation.txt
Created April 7, 2022 23:22
I contributed to the Semaphore Trusted Setup Multi-Party Ceremony.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit: semaphore16
Contributor # 204
Hash: 68e197d6 43431ecc 7fbb2c5b 23e54d7d
1c2f36a4 024079a3 9de59509 d3437200
22aa3c53 d446f2e5 b7855a22 720820a5
acbc81e0 8fa66336 de72bdb6 40f4513b
leachy14 /
Created May 23, 2022 19:22
This simple script will generate random pixels on the raspberry pi senseHAT
from sense_hat import SenseHat
from random import randint
from time import sleep
sense = SenseHat() # define the sensehat
while True:
sense.low_light = True
x = randint(0,7) # X coordinate of pixel
y = randint(0,7) # Y coordinate of pixel
r = randint(0,255)
g = randint(0,255)