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Last active December 4, 2017 15:27
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transform="translate(378.5,194.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow:visible;" pointer-events="all" width="19" height="12" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Verdana; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; vertical-align: top; width: 21px; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"><div xmlns="" style="display:inline-block;text-align:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;">QA</div></div></foreignObject><text x="10" y="12" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" font-size="12px" font-family="Verdana" font-weight="bold">QA</text></switch></g><rect x="571" y="176" width="200" height="50" rx="7.5" ry="7.5" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="2" pointer-events="none"/><g transform="translate(633.5,194.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow:visible;" pointer-events="all" width="74" height="12" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: 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style="display:inline-block;text-align:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;">Chloe</div></div></foreignObject><text x="19" y="12" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" font-size="12px" font-family="Verdana" font-weight="bold">Chloe</text></switch></g><path d="M 466.5 24.76 L 468.35 24.76 L 468.35 22.78 L 466.5 22.78 Z M 466.5 31.66 L 468.35 31.66 L 468.35 29.69 L 466.5 29.69 Z M 460.48 10.94 L 462.33 10.94 L 462.33 8.96 L 460.48 8.96 Z M 456.31 10.94 L 458.17 10.94 L 458.17 8.96 L 456.31 8.96 Z M 460.48 15.38 L 462.33 15.38 L 462.33 13.4 L 460.48 13.4 Z M 456.31 15.38 L 458.17 15.38 L 458.17 13.4 L 456.31 13.4 Z M 460.48 19.82 L 462.33 19.82 L 462.33 17.85 L 460.48 17.85 Z M 456.31 19.82 L 458.17 19.82 L 458.17 17.85 L 456.31 17.85 Z M 460.48 24.26 L 462.33 24.26 L 462.33 22.29 L 460.48 22.29 Z M 456.31 24.26 L 458.17 24.26 L 458.17 22.29 L 456.31 22.29 Z M 460.48 28.71 L 462.33 28.71 L 462.33 26.73 L 460.48 26.73 Z M 456.31 28.71 L 458.17 28.71 L 458.17 26.73 L 456.31 26.73 Z M 460.48 33.15 L 462.33 33.15 L 462.33 31.17 L 460.48 31.17 Z M 456.31 33.15 L 458.17 33.15 L 458.17 31.17 L 456.31 31.17 Z M 454 42.03 L 454 6 L 464.65 6 L 464.65 20.81 L 466.04 20.81 L 466.04 16.86 L 467.43 16.86 L 467.43 12.91 L 468.81 12.91 L 468.81 8.47 L 470.2 8.47 L 470.2 12.91 L 471.59 12.91 L 471.59 16.86 L 472.98 16.86 L 472.98 20.81 L 474.37 20.81 L 474.37 24.66 C 472.52 25.19 470.89 26.93 470.43 29.48 C 470.14 31.59 470.59 33.08 471.36 34.33 C 470.85 34.38 469.13 35.48 468.83 35.7 C 467.89 36.35 467.31 37.25 466.93 38.72 C 466.7 39.54 466.56 40.79 466.4 42.03 Z M 475.79 35.44 C 473.64 35.44 471.72 33.52 471.72 30.58 C 471.72 28.3 473.35 25.96 475.72 25.96 C 478.03 25.96 479.73 28.22 479.73 30.69 C 479.73 33.54 477.73 35.44 475.79 35.44 Z M 467.58 45 C 467.77 42.9 468.02 40.03 468.49 38.58 C 468.71 37.92 469.02 37.44 469.54 37.05 C 469.86 36.79 471.04 36.1 471.27 35.98 C 471.64 35.77 472.03 35.66 472.36 35.98 C 474.36 37.87 477.13 37.81 479.15 35.98 C 479.39 35.73 479.77 35.8 480.01 35.9 C 480.4 36.06 481.64 36.84 481.87 37 C 482.56 37.48 482.93 38.12 483.2 39.33 C 483.56 40.95 483.77 43.02 484 45 Z" fill="#505050" stroke="none" pointer-events="none"/><rect x="368" y="296" width="134" height="50" rx="7.5" ry="7.5" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="2" pointer-events="none"/><g transform="translate(417.5,314.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow:visible;" pointer-events="all" width="34" height="12" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Verdana; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; vertical-align: top; width: 34px; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"><div xmlns="" style="display:inline-block;text-align:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;">Kelly</div></div></foreignObject><text x="17" y="12" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" font-size="12px" font-family="Verdana" font-weight="bold">Kelly</text></switch></g><rect x="275" y="356" width="134" height="50" rx="7.5" ry="7.5" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="2" pointer-events="none"/><g transform="translate(323.5,374.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow:visible;" pointer-events="all" width="36" height="12" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Verdana; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 1.2; vertical-align: top; width: 38px; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"><div xmlns="" style="display:inline-block;text-align:inherit;text-decoration:inherit;">Barry</div></div></foreignObject><text x="18" y="12" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" font-size="12px" font-family="Verdana" font-weight="bold">Barry</text></switch></g><path d="M 310.69 227.28 L 310.84 227.28 Q 311 227.28 311 237.28 L 311 345.76" fill="none" stroke="#4d4d4d" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 311 353.76 L 307 345.76 L 315 345.76 Z" fill="#4d4d4d" stroke="#4d4d4d" 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35.52 207.5 34.98 208.47 34.7 209.72 Z M 47.58 195.65 C 45.17 195.65 43.32 193.52 43.32 190.78 C 43.32 188.49 44.93 186 47.52 186 C 49.77 186 51.66 188.2 51.66 190.8 C 51.66 193.64 49.57 195.65 47.58 195.65 Z M 34.68 200.02 C 31.48 200.02 30.34 196.94 30.34 195.27 C 30.34 192.48 32.22 190.36 34.49 190.36 C 36.76 190.36 38.68 192.49 38.68 195.27 C 38.71 197.93 36.58 200.02 34.68 200.02 Z M 43.75 206.26 C 41.43 206.26 39.51 204.27 39.51 201.33 C 39.51 198.68 41.52 196.61 43.56 196.61 C 46.25 196.61 47.83 199.12 47.83 201.31 C 47.83 204.83 45.28 206.26 43.75 206.26 Z M 35.12 216 C 35.3 213.88 35.59 211.11 35.98 209.69 C 36.25 208.67 36.74 208.1 37.32 207.73 L 38.53 206.98 C 38.97 206.71 39.58 206.31 40.09 206.69 C 42.08 208.55 44.87 208.67 47.22 206.72 C 47.43 206.56 47.82 206.54 48.03 206.65 C 48.55 206.85 49.24 207.33 49.85 207.68 C 50.85 208.35 51.19 209.1 51.46 210.3 C 51.83 211.85 52.03 214.26 52.18 216 Z" fill="#2072b8" stroke="none" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 121 320.93 C 117.07 320.93 113.56 317.91 113.56 313.28 C 113.56 309.68 116.53 306 120.86 306 C 125.09 306 128.2 309.56 128.2 313.45 C 128.2 317.95 124.54 320.93 121 320.93 Z M 106 336 C 106.34 332.69 106.79 328.17 107.66 325.88 C 108.06 324.84 108.63 324.09 109.57 323.47 C 110.18 323.06 112.33 321.97 112.72 321.79 C 113.41 321.46 114.13 321.28 114.74 321.79 C 118.39 324.76 123.44 324.67 127.14 321.8 C 127.57 321.39 128.25 321.5 128.7 321.66 C 129.41 321.91 131.68 323.14 132.11 323.39 C 133.37 324.15 134.04 325.16 134.54 327.05 C 135.19 329.61 135.56 332.87 136 336 Z" fill="#2072b8" stroke="none" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 26 380.93 C 22.07 380.93 18.56 377.91 18.56 373.28 C 18.56 369.68 21.53 366 25.86 366 C 30.09 366 33.2 369.56 33.2 373.45 C 33.2 377.95 29.54 380.93 26 380.93 Z M 11 396 C 11.34 392.69 11.79 388.17 12.66 385.88 C 13.06 384.84 13.63 384.09 14.57 383.47 C 15.18 383.06 17.33 381.97 17.72 381.79 C 18.41 381.46 19.13 381.28 19.74 381.79 C 23.39 384.76 28.44 384.67 32.14 381.8 C 32.57 381.39 33.25 381.5 33.7 381.66 C 34.41 381.91 36.68 383.14 37.11 383.39 C 38.37 384.15 39.04 385.16 39.54 387.05 C 40.19 389.61 40.56 392.87 41 396 Z" fill="#2072b8" stroke="none" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 352.98 205.23 C 354.49 203.04 354.59 199.93 352.91 197.54 C 354.12 197.38 355.09 197.03 356.02 196.17 C 356.3 195.94 356.71 195.99 357.11 196.19 C 357.59 196.42 358.09 196.74 358.59 197.03 C 359.54 197.6 359.94 198.37 360.15 199.22 C 360.61 201.15 360.8 203.29 361 205.44 L 353.67 205.44 C 353.47 205.36 353.27 205.27 352.98 205.23 Z M 331 209.72 C 331.16 207.81 331.46 204.99 331.83 203.52 C 332.04 202.73 332.34 202.02 333.19 201.46 C 333.78 201.09 334.36 200.7 334.91 200.41 C 335.26 200.23 335.69 200.17 335.98 200.41 C 337.94 202.27 340.86 202.4 343.28 200.34 C 342.98 202.27 343.49 203.97 344.36 205.23 C 343.79 205.27 342.5 206.06 341.45 206.8 C 340.52 207.5 339.98 208.47 339.7 209.72 Z M 352.58 195.65 C 350.17 195.65 348.32 193.52 348.32 190.78 C 348.32 188.49 349.93 186 352.52 186 C 354.77 186 356.66 188.2 356.66 190.8 C 356.66 193.64 354.57 195.65 352.58 195.65 Z M 339.68 200.02 C 336.48 200.02 335.34 196.94 335.34 195.27 C 335.34 192.48 337.22 190.36 339.49 190.36 C 341.76 190.36 343.68 192.49 343.68 195.27 C 343.71 197.93 341.58 200.02 339.68 200.02 Z M 348.75 206.26 C 346.43 206.26 344.51 204.27 344.51 201.33 C 344.51 198.68 346.52 196.61 348.56 196.61 C 351.25 196.61 352.83 199.12 352.83 201.31 C 352.83 204.83 350.28 206.26 348.75 206.26 Z M 340.12 216 C 340.3 213.88 340.59 211.11 340.98 209.69 C 341.25 208.67 341.74 208.1 342.32 207.73 L 343.53 206.98 C 343.97 206.71 344.58 206.31 345.09 206.69 C 347.08 208.55 349.87 208.67 352.22 206.72 C 352.43 206.56 352.82 206.54 353.03 206.65 C 353.55 206.85 354.24 207.33 354.85 207.68 C 355.85 208.35 356.19 209.1 356.46 210.3 C 356.83 211.85 357.03 214.26 357.18 216 Z" fill="#da4026" stroke="none" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 305 380.93 C 301.07 380.93 297.56 377.91 297.56 373.28 C 297.56 369.68 300.53 366 304.86 366 C 309.09 366 312.2 369.56 312.2 373.45 C 312.2 377.95 308.54 380.93 305 380.93 Z M 290 396 C 290.34 392.69 290.79 388.17 291.66 385.88 C 292.06 384.84 292.63 384.09 293.57 383.47 C 294.18 383.06 296.33 381.97 296.72 381.79 C 297.41 381.46 298.13 381.28 298.74 381.79 C 302.39 384.76 307.44 384.67 311.14 381.8 C 311.57 381.39 312.25 381.5 312.7 381.66 C 313.41 381.91 315.68 383.14 316.11 383.39 C 317.37 384.15 318.04 385.16 318.54 387.05 C 319.19 389.61 319.56 392.87 320 396 Z" fill="#da4026" stroke="none" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 394 320.93 C 390.07 320.93 386.56 317.91 386.56 313.28 C 386.56 309.68 389.53 306 393.86 306 C 398.09 306 401.2 309.56 401.2 313.45 C 401.2 317.95 397.54 320.93 394 320.93 Z M 379 336 C 379.34 332.69 379.79 328.17 380.66 325.88 C 381.06 324.84 381.63 324.09 382.57 323.47 C 383.18 323.06 385.33 321.97 385.72 321.79 C 386.41 321.46 387.13 321.28 387.74 321.79 C 391.39 324.76 396.44 324.67 400.14 321.8 C 400.57 321.39 401.25 321.5 401.7 321.66 C 402.41 321.91 404.68 323.14 405.11 323.39 C 406.37 324.15 407.04 325.16 407.54 327.05 C 408.19 329.61 408.56 332.87 409 336 Z" fill="#da4026" stroke="none" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 607.98 205.23 C 609.49 203.04 609.59 199.93 607.91 197.54 C 609.12 197.38 610.09 197.03 611.02 196.17 C 611.3 195.94 611.71 195.99 612.11 196.19 C 612.59 196.42 613.09 196.74 613.59 197.03 C 614.54 197.6 614.94 198.37 615.15 199.22 C 615.61 201.15 615.8 203.29 616 205.44 L 608.67 205.44 C 608.47 205.36 608.27 205.27 607.98 205.23 Z M 586 209.72 C 586.16 207.81 586.46 204.99 586.83 203.52 C 587.04 202.73 587.34 202.02 588.19 201.46 C 588.78 201.09 589.36 200.7 589.91 200.41 C 590.26 200.23 590.69 200.17 590.98 200.41 C 592.94 202.27 595.86 202.4 598.28 200.34 C 597.98 202.27 598.49 203.97 599.36 205.23 C 598.79 205.27 597.5 206.06 596.45 206.8 C 595.52 207.5 594.98 208.47 594.7 209.72 Z M 607.58 195.65 C 605.17 195.65 603.32 193.52 603.32 190.78 C 603.32 188.49 604.93 186 607.52 186 C 609.77 186 611.66 188.2 611.66 190.8 C 611.66 193.64 609.57 195.65 607.58 195.65 Z M 594.68 200.02 C 591.48 200.02 590.34 196.94 590.34 195.27 C 590.34 192.48 592.22 190.36 594.49 190.36 C 596.76 190.36 598.68 192.49 598.68 195.27 C 598.71 197.93 596.58 200.02 594.68 200.02 Z M 603.75 206.26 C 601.43 206.26 599.51 204.27 599.51 201.33 C 599.51 198.68 601.52 196.61 603.56 196.61 C 606.25 196.61 607.83 199.12 607.83 201.31 C 607.83 204.83 605.28 206.26 603.75 206.26 Z M 595.12 216 C 595.3 213.88 595.59 211.11 595.98 209.69 C 596.25 208.67 596.74 208.1 597.32 207.73 L 598.53 206.98 C 598.97 206.71 599.58 206.31 600.09 206.69 C 602.08 208.55 604.87 208.67 607.22 206.72 C 607.43 206.56 607.82 206.54 608.03 206.65 C 608.55 206.85 609.24 207.33 609.85 207.68 C 610.85 208.35 611.19 209.1 611.46 210.3 C 611.83 211.85 612.03 214.26 612.18 216 Z" fill="#7fba42" stroke="none" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 626 320.93 C 622.07 320.93 618.56 317.91 618.56 313.28 C 618.56 309.68 621.53 306 625.86 306 C 630.09 306 633.2 309.56 633.2 313.45 C 633.2 317.95 629.54 320.93 626 320.93 Z M 611 336 C 611.34 332.69 611.79 328.17 612.66 325.88 C 613.06 324.84 613.63 324.09 614.57 323.47 C 615.18 323.06 617.33 321.97 617.72 321.79 C 618.41 321.46 619.13 321.28 619.74 321.79 C 623.39 324.76 628.44 324.67 632.14 321.8 C 632.57 321.39 633.25 321.5 633.7 321.66 C 634.41 321.91 636.68 323.14 637.11 323.39 C 638.37 324.15 639.04 325.16 639.54 327.05 C 640.19 329.61 640.56 332.87 641 336 Z" fill="#7fba42" stroke="none" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 388.62 50.72 L 388.62 103.48 Q 388.62 113.48 388.62 123.48 L 388.62 166.01" fill="none" stroke="#4d4d4d" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/><path d="M 388.62 174.01 L 384.62 166.01 L 392.62 166.01 Z" fill="#4d4d4d" stroke="#4d4d4d" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/></g></svg>

Solution for Access Control in UCP

Create organisation and teams

  1. Create a new organisation with the name whalecorp

  2. Within this organisation create the following teams:

  • development
  • qa
  • operations

Create users

  1. Create the following users:
  • joey
  • shaun
  • kelly
  • barry
  • chloe
  1. Add each of the above users to a team, according to the org chart.

Create collections

  1. Create a new collection on the root level and name it ops

  2. Create the following child collections within the ops collection:

  • dev
  • qa

Change default collections

  1. Change, for each of the users, their default collection.

Create resources

  1. Create an overlay network dev-net for the development team and make sure to add it to the dev collection

  2. Create an overlay network qa-net for the qa team and make sure to add it to the qa collection

  3. Create a secret dev-secret for the dev team and make sure to add it to the dev collection

  4. Create a secret qa-secret for the qa team and make sure to add it to the qa collection

Create grants

  1. Create a grant for the ops collection, use the Full Control role and assign it to operations team within the whalecorp organization

  2. Create a grant for the dev collection, use the Full Control role and assign it to development team within the whalecorp organization

  3. Create a grant for the qa collection, use the Restricted Control role and assign it to qa team within the whalecorp organization

Assign nodes to collection

  1. Assign ucp-node-0 to collection ops\dev

  2. Assign ucp-node-1 to collection ops\qa

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