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Working remotely

Georg Ledermann ledermann

Working remotely
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# Building authenticated and expiring URL for S3
# Based on
# and
module Paperclip
class Attachment
def authenticated_url(style = nil, expires_in = 5.minutes)
if @storage.to_s == 's3' && file?
AWS::S3::S3Object.url_for(path(style || default_style), bucket_name, :expires_in => expires_in, :use_ssl => s3_protocol == 'https')
# Rails-FormBuilder for creating forms with <label>-Tags
class LabeledFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder
helpers = field_helpers +
%w{date_select datetime_select time_select} +
%w{collection_select select country_select time_zone_select} -
%w{radio_button hidden_field label fields_for} # Don't decorate these
helpers.each do |name|
define_method(name) do |field, *args|
require 'ya2yaml' # Better than to_yaml, because it saves as UTF-8 and sorts hash by keys
namespace :locales do
desc "Parses ActiveRecord models and updates locale files"
task :update => :environment do
Dir.glob(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'config', 'locales', '*.yml') ).each do |locale_file|
# Read single locale file
locale_hash = YAML.load(
language = locale_hash.keys.first