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// B/index.ts
export * from "typeorm"
// project/ExampleRepository.ts
import { Repository } from "B"
export class ExampleRepository extends Repository {}
// A/getRepositoryName.ts
import { Repository } from "typeorm"
export function getRepositoryName(entity: EntityClass) {
if (entity instanceof Repository) {
return "validRepositoryName"
throw new Error("entity is not a valid typeorm Repository")
const entity = new ExampleRepository()
getRepositoryName(entity) // "validRepositoryName" OR Error
// 런타임에 특정 패키지를 바라보는 경로를 수정
function alias() {
const moduleAlias = require('module-alias')
if (process.env.STAGE !== 'local') {
// 개발자가 로컬 환경에서 실행하는 경우
const cache: any = {}
const typeorm = 'typeorm'
$ cd <package>
$ yarn pack
{package}-{version}.tgz file created!
$ cd <project>
$ cp <package>/{package}-{version}.tgz /path/to/project/
$ yarn add /path/to/project/{package}-{version}.tgz
"dependencies": {
"B": "file:./B-1.0.0.tgz"
// reference:
"scripts": {
"dev-watch": "tsc-watch --onSuccess \"yalc push\""
def level_bfs():
queue = []
while queue:
size = len(queue)
node = queue.pop(0)
while size:
if node.left: