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legrostdg / luakit crashes on youtube
Created July 3, 2012 17:35
luakit crashes on youtube
[ 0.023930] D: luakit: luaH_loadrc:398: Loading rc: /home/gueux/.config/luakit/rc.lua
[ 0.538792] D: luakit: signal_object_emit:203: emit "property::ssl_ca_file" on 0x16576a0 from /home/gueux/.config/luakit/globals.lua:38 (0 args, 0 nret)
[ 0.538934] D: luakit: signal_object_emit:203: emit "property::ssl_strict" on 0x16576a0 from /home/gueux/.config/luakit/globals.lua:44 (0 args, 0 nret)
[ 0.539030] D: luakit: signal_object_emit:203: emit "property::accept_policy" on 0x16576a0 from /home/gueux/.config/luakit/globals.lua:48 (0 args, 0 nret)
[ 0.547550] D: luakit: luaH_class_add_signal:188: add "request-started" on 0x62ea40 from /home/gueux/share/luakit/lib/cookies.lua:103
[ 0.547619] D: luakit: luaH_class_add_signal:188: add "cookie-changed" on 0x62ea40 from /home/gueux/share/luakit/lib/cookies.lua:119
[ 0.547662] D: luakit: luaH_class_add_signal:188: add "can-close" on 0x62ea00 from /ho
legrostdg / gist:e5f45e262bd86fbc08ade553c3eecad5
Created April 21, 2020 08:21
hledger "make ghcid" errors
$ make ghcid
ghcid -c 'make ghci'
Loading make ghci ...
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/gueux/src/hledger'
stack exec -- ghci -rtsopts -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-type-defaults -ihledger-lib -ihledger-lib/other/ledger-parse -ihledger -ihledger-ui -ihledger-web -ihledger-web/app -DPATCHLEVEL=236 -DDEVELOPMENT -DVERSION="\"1.17.99\"" hledger/Hledger/Cli/Main.hs
Stack has not been tested with GHC versions above 8.6, and using 8.8.3, this may fail
Stack has not been tested with Cabal versions above 2.4, but version was found, this may fail
GHCi, version 8.8.3: :? for help
Loaded GHCi configuration from /home/gueux/src/hledger/.ghci
Loaded GHCi configuration from /home/gueux/.ghci