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ShaoJenChen / gist:8ae9728939061ed4a3d4a63d01f7d404
Last active November 2, 2022 19:44 — forked from adamgit/gist:3705459
Automatically create cross-platform (simulator + device) static libraries for Objective C / iPhone / iPad
# c.f.
# Version 2.82
# Latest Change:
# - MORE tweaks to get the iOS 10+ and 9- working
# - Support iOS 10+
# - Corrected typo for iOS 1-10+ (thanks @stuikomma)
require 'optimist'
require 'plist'
# Setups of source path mapping for the framework at framework_path,
# which has a dsym at dsym_path. It maps the source paths to the
# source_path root. Implementation borrowed from
def setup_dsym_source_mapping(framework_path, dsym_path, source_path)
binary_uuids = get_uuids_of_dwarf(framework_path)
dsym_uuids = get_uuids_of_dwarf(dsym_path)
verify_uuids(binary_uuids, dsym_uuids)

Merging Rubygems and Bundler

set -eux
rm -rf rubygems bundler
git clone
git clone
riverscn / 北京联通IPTV内网组播.m3u
Created August 4, 2019 15:55
#EXTM3U name="北京联通IPTV(RTP)”
bmatcuk /
Created May 30, 2019 04:38
Creating a Bootable Windows USB from ISO on a Mac
# First, we need to find our device. BEFORE inserting your USB drive, run the
# following:
diskutil list
# This will output a bunch of info about all of the disk drives connected to
# your Mac. Each entry will have a header in the form "/dev/diskX", where X is
# some number starting at 0. Now, insert your USB drive and run the command
# again. You should see a new entry. Make note of the name (ie, /dev/diskX).
diskutil list
marcosvpj /
Last active March 22, 2024 13:41
How to remove duplicate lines in Visual Studio Code?

If the order of lines is not important##

Sort lines alphabetically, if they aren't already, and perform these steps:
(based on this related question:

  1. Control+F

  2. Toggle "Replace mode"

  3. Toggle "Use Regular Expression" (the icon with the .* symbol)

FranciscoG /
Last active June 11, 2024 20:55
Convert Video to Image sequence using ffmpeg
ffmpeg -i -r 0.25 output_%04d.png
# -i followed by video file sets input stream
# -r set framerat. 1 = 1 frame per second.
# and then set the output file with the number replacement
# more info:
eugenebokhan / CGImage+Resize.swift
Last active April 11, 2024 21:28
UIImage + Resize
import CoreGraphics
import Accelerate
import CoreImage
import UIKit
extension CGImage {
public enum Error: Swift.Error {
case imageResizingFailed
case cgContextCreationFailed

Recientemente StarUML se actualizó de 2.0 a 3.0. El método de crack original, la forma de modificar la función de verificación de licencia no se puede usar. La ubicación de instalación ha cambiado y se ha encontrado el archivo LicenseManagerDomain.js. ¿Qué debería hacer? El viejo conductor les dijo a todos que resolvieran el problema.

StarUML está escrito en nodejs. Específicamente, está escrito en el marco frontal de Electron. Todo el código fuente de starUML en la nueva versión viene empaquetado por la herramienta asar.

Ingresar al directorio (Windows)

C:\Program Files\StarUML\resources

kaiware007 / billboard.shader
Created January 19, 2018 09:28
Simple Billboard shader for Unity
Shader "Unlit/Billboard"
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
Tags{ "Queue" = "Transparent" "IgnoreProjector" = "True" "RenderType" = "Transparent" "DisableBatching" = "True" }