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ars longa vita brevis

Leandro Ostera leostera

ars longa vita brevis
View GitHub Profile
% Chapter 5: Hello Recursion!
% Subtitle: A sublist function
tail_sublist(L, N) -> tail_sublist(L, N, []).
tail_sublist(_, 0, SubList) -> SubList;
tail_sublist([], _, SubList) -> SubList;
tail_sublist([H|T], N, SubList) when N > 0 ->
tail_sublist(T, N-1, [H|SubList]).
% shouldn't this be
{{#if beginDate}}
Your booking begins on {{beginDate}}
{{#if endDate}}
and ends on {{endDate}}
but there's no end date yet.
{{#if endDate}}
Your booking ends on {{endDate}}
def create(name, children)
parent = PracticeArea.create(name: name)
children.each do |n|
PracticeArea.create(name: n, parent_id:

Esto es un titulo

Esto es un subtitulo

Esto es untitulo mas pequeño aun

  • Esto es una lista sin orden
  • woo

Esto es una cita esto va en cursiva, esto en negritas.

$(function () {
$('a#buscar').on('click', function () {
`import DS from 'ember-data'`
Policy = DS.Model.extend
key: DS.attr('string')
bucket: DS.attr('string')
acl: DS.attr('string')
'AWSAccessKeyId': DS.attr('string')
'Content-Type': DS.attr('string')
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# Prevent CSRF attacks by raising an exception.
# For APIs, you may want to use :null_session instead.
protect_from_forgery with: :exception
helper_method :current_user
alias_method :devise_current_user, :current_user
def current_user
@current_user ||= if session[:user_id]
;; woo, lets make lists
(list 1 2 3)
;; now with props
(list :a 1 :b 2 :c 3)
;; now what?
;; so getf makes plists a poor man's hash table
;; let's try to save a list to a var
;; this won't work => (let my-list (list :name "Leandro" :age 23))
//game(1) -> 1 -> 1
//game(2) -> (1)2 -> 1
//game(3) -> (1)2(3),(1)3 -> 3
//game(4) -> (1)2(3)4,(1)3(4),(1)4 -> 1
//game(5) -> (1)2(3)4(5),(1)3(5),(1)5 -> 3
//game(6) -> 24613 -> 5
//game(7) -> 246135 -> 7
//game(1002) -> 981
var game = function (peopleInGame) {
SASS = $(shell find src/styles -name "*.sass")
SRC = $(shell find src -name "*.js")
LIB = $(SRC:src/%.js=build/lib/%.js)
JADE = $(shell find src/templates -name "*.jade")
HTML = $(JADE:src/%.jade=build/%.html)
all: lib templates styles
@mkdir -p build