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lfender6445 / gist:6226290
Created August 13, 2013 22:22
restrict googleplaces by United States so it only returns zipcodes and states
// Application Javascript - see for full example
var autocomplete, input, address = {};
input = $("#searchBox");
$('form').submit(function(){ return false; });
var init = function(){
Feature: User Reviews // poor feature, needs improvement
Scenario: As a user leaving a review for my property //need to capture validation for form as whole, leave out capy stuff
Given I am on the review page
and I provide name, email address, phone number, rating from 1 to 5, optional review
When I press submit
Then I must select a captcha associated with my phone number and property
When I select the captcha representing my property
and the captcha validates
Then I will be redirected to the thank you page
# Chrome Refresh
# Simple applescript browser reloader for Google Chrome. It will either open a
# new tab with the url passed in as an argument, refresh an existing tab, or open
# a file from your current working directory.
# Link this up with watchr to auto-refresh browser windows when you save files
# or bind it in vim, textmate etc.