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Created December 30, 2020 07:56
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Dynamo SDK to CDK definition
import _ from "lodash";
function deCapitalizeFirstLetter(string: string) {
return string.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + string.slice(1);
function replaceKeysDeep(obj: object | unknown[]) {
// @ts-ignore
return _.transform(obj, function (
result: { [key: string]: unknown },
value: string | object,
key: string
) {
const currentKey = deCapitalizeFirstLetter(key);
if (_.isArray(value)) {
result[currentKey] = (value as any[]).map((v: any[]) =>
} else if (_.isObject(value)) {
result[currentKey] = replaceKeysDeep(value as object);
} else if (currentKey !== "streamEnabled") {
result[currentKey] = value;
export const dynamoSdkToCdk = (sdkVersion: object) =>
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