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lijiang2087 / Web Page
Created March 6, 2013 07:42
Web Page
<doctype html>
Any Title
<h1>Li Jiang</h1>
lijiang2087 / Game
Created March 19, 2013 05:52
A simple program - but why isn't it working?
var userChoice = prompt("Do you choose rock, paper or scissors?");
var computerChoice = Math.random();
if (computerChoice <= 0.33); {
computerChoice = "rock";
} else if (computerChoice <= 0.66); {
computerChoice = "paper";
} else {
computerChoice = "scissors";
lijiang2087 / gist_1
Created March 19, 2013 06:22
This gist has been created from
var userChoice = prompt("Do you choose rock, paper or scissors?");
var computerChoice = Math.random();
if (computerChoice < 0.34) {
computerChoice = "rock";
} else if(computerChoice <= 0.67) {
computerChoice = "paper";
} else {
computerChoice = "scissors";
lijiang2087 / gist_1
Created March 20, 2013 05:53
This gist has been created from
for (var counter = 1; counter < 6; counter++) {
lijiang2087 / gist_1
Created March 21, 2013 21:49
This gist has been created from
var damageThisRound = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5 + 1);
var slaying = true;
var youHit = Math.floor(Math.random() + 0.5);
var totalDamage = 0;
while (slaying) {
if (youHit === true){
console.log("You hit the dragon!");
} else {
console.log("You've been hit by the dragon! That's going to sting");
lijiang2087 / gist_1
Created March 24, 2013 17:38
This gist has been created from
var user = prompt ("How are you getting to your meeting? DRIVE, BUS, or WALK").toUpperCase();
case 'DRIVE':
var fast = prompt("Are you fast? YES or NO?").toUpperCase();
var agile = prompt("Are you agile? YES or NO?").toUpperCase();
if (fast === "YES" && agile === "YES"){
console.log("Yes, fast and agile gets you there on time.");
} else {
console.log("Drive fast and break things");
lijiang2087 / emoji
Created May 28, 2020 22:04 — forked from ivorytowerdds/emoji
#!/bin/bash -x
[ -x `which convert` ] || { brew install imagemagick; }
convert \
<(curl -s `curl -sL$1 | awk -F'[" ]' '$0 ~ / {print $6}'`) \
<(curl -s `curl -sL$2 | awk -F'[" ]' '$0 ~ / {print $6}'`) \
+append \
'(' \
<(curl -s `curl -sL$4 | awk -F'[" ]' '$0 ~ / {print $6}'`) \
+append ')' \
-background none -extent x100% \
lijiang2087 / twitter
Last active September 16, 2020 04:45 — forked from ivorytowerdds/twitter
for name in stse rongjianlan leo_hao denni_swon gupadhyaya thechaindev xiaopen01917726 janetlharmony danielvdmaden potvik1 haodi2best JackyTheCoder sahildewan nickwh8te lijiang2087 dirschmidt NikolaosKost GIZEMCAKIL shmula maggiewangharm1 alex_kretsch niteesh_harmony vasilich_nick mannymcoy ashraf_tuhin alpgasimov danboyden drop101001 alex_yatesalex iBruno_marshall sophoah JB273_Jurgen yeiliowsin mindpop3 mirrormirage0 OHHHtis Jenya94203826 derekleesoft; do
echo -n $name ''
curl -s "$name&count=200&tweet_mode=extended" \
-H 'x-csrf-token: d39ff7dfbf373012ea78f82d9888d9ed' \
-H 'authorization: Bearer AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANRILgAAAAAAnNwIzUejRCOuH5E6I8xnZz4puTs%3D1Zv7ttfk8LF81IUq16cHjhLTvJu4FA33AGWWjCpTnA' \
-H 'cookie: auth_token=aaaa326d1ee4f9248644fc06996d9ea7ea4e950b; ct0=d39ff7dfbf373012ea78f82d9888d9ed' \
--compressed | python3 -c $'import json, sys\nfor x in json.load(sys.stdin):\n if x["in_reply_to_status_id"] ==
face suit value
king spades 13
queen spades 12
jack spades 11
ten spades 10
nine spades 9
eight spades 8
seven spades 7
six spades 6
five spades 5