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Linda Sheard lindacmsheard

  • Microsoft
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lindacmsheard /
Last active November 23, 2022 16:57
Install miniconda on WSL

Install Miniconda on Linux or WSL

# yes yes
source ~/.bashrc

# to ensure WSL can start normally without an active conda env

Working with Conda

Generic badge

Conda helps you manage python environments on your local machine, keeping your system python free of packages that you may need for your python experiments.

Install Miniconda on Linux or WSL

-> See this gist

Using Device Login with Azure ML when working with multiple tenants.

The Device login routine used by the AML Python SDK uses the default tenant associated with the login account. This can create issues when working with AML instances in other tenants.

Use the simple login if your AML workspace is within your default tenant. Use the alternative login to force login into a specific tenant.

Simple login to workspace:

This uses the config.json file in the directory structure of the local system. For an AML-provisioned compute VM, this file is located at the root /config.json. If you get an error here as a result of logging into the wrong tenant, use the alternative below.

from azureml.core import Workspace

Here’s a scala notebook cell to run an arbitrary TSQL batch using JDBC:


import java.util.Properties
import java.sql.DriverManager

val jdbcUsername = dbutils.secrets.get(scope = "kv", key = "sqluser")
val jdbcPassword = dbutils.secrets.get(scope = "kv", key = "sqlpassword")
lindacmsheard /
Last active October 30, 2020 10:58
Azure ML Management: use the Azure cli to check for running AML compute instances
# Check for or stop all running Azure ML compute instances within the current #
# subscription or specified workspace #
# * uses the azure resource graph to check for resources across resource groups #
# * assumes Azure CLI is installed and a default subscription is set (az account set) #
# * use the -h option to see usage #
lindacmsheard /
Last active December 3, 2020 20:14
cool aliases for bash

Note: these are tested on WSLv2 - add them to ~/.bash_aliases or other bash profile file.

Open sites in browser

alias newgist='wslview'
alias newgit='wslview'
alias ap='wslview'

# go to current repo web page - requires (ref [1])
alias gg='gh repo view --web'

Disclaimer: There are many subtleties to using git - this is a very basic workflow. Discuss in your team how you want to work!


This gist assumes that you have authorisation to clone/pull/push from your repo. Either it is public, or you have set up ssh authentication.

Git basics

git clone <http or ssh link from git portal>
# change into the folder that is created as a result of the cloning.
cd <repo name>
lindacmsheard /
Created December 3, 2020 20:08
Dealing with merge conflicts in Git - the short and simple explanation

Dealing with merge conflicts

Merge conflicts are not scary. Any good text editor like VSCode for example will help with buttons and visualisations of what you need to do. But here's the gist...

When a merge conflict occurs, git will actually insert some lines in the file to mark the spot and show both versions of lines that are conflicting:

<<<<<<< HEAD
my current text in the file
lindacmsheard /
Last active May 6, 2021 08:15
databricks cli cheatsheet for managing secrets

Databricks CLI Cheatsheet - managing secrets

(optional) install cli into a virtual python env

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 databrickscli
source databrickscli/bin/activate
pip install databricks-cli

Alternatively just install natively

lindacmsheard /
Last active September 14, 2021 08:24
Connect Azure ML to Azure Datalake gen 2 with service principal

Connect Azure ML to Azure DataLake Gen 2 with a Service Principal

Note that service principal role assignments may take a short while to become available, so give it a few minutes before testing the access.

Create a service principal

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name myAMLWorkspaceRep

Note the appId (client ID) and password (client secret) returned: