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execute pathogen#infect()
let &t_Co=256
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
set tabline=%!tabber#TabLine()
au! BufRead,BufWrite,BufWritePost,BufNewFile *.org
au BufEnter *.org call org#SetOrgFileType()
" vimwiki options
let g:vimwiki_hl_headers = '1'
# either /wiki/attachments/* or blog/attachments/*
# neither blog/boards/* nor wiki/boards/* nor blog/projects/taskwarrior/boards/*
djp@tigger:~$ task $(task next) info
Configuration override
Configuration override
There are different numbers of columns and labels for report 'next'.
djp@tigger:~$ task $(task next) info
Configuration override
Configuration override
Configuration override
[task list ID -- 60 59 61 63 64 71 72 95 tasks, 7 shown info]
Using the default comand:
djp@tigger:~$ tw
# ! found_command
# ! found_sequence
# defaultCommand
# capture_first (list)
[task list]
ID Age D P Project Tags R Due Description
linuxcaffe / gist:11337331
Created April 27, 2014 04:06
recurring task mod, recurring dialog?
djp@tigger:~$ tw Bruno mod +acct
+task Bruno mod +acct
- Tags will be changed from 'bank,chq' to 'bank,chq,acct'.
Modify task 8 'pay Bruno Tessone $90.00'? (yes/no/all/quit) akk
- Tags will be changed from 'bank,chq' to 'bank,chq,acct'.
Modify task 8 'pay Bruno Tessone $90.00'? (yes/no/all/quit) all
Modifying task 8 'pay Bruno Tessone $90.00'.
This is a recurring task. Do you want to modify all pending recurrences of this same task? (yes/no) yes
Modifying recurring task 56 'pay Bruno Tessone $90.00'.
Modifying recurring task 60 'pay Bruno Tessone $90.00'.
linuxcaffe / gist:11337411
Created April 27, 2014 04:15
recurring task mod loop
djp@tigger:~$ tw Bruno mod +acct
+task Bruno mod +acct
- Tags will be changed from 'bank,chq' to 'bank,chq,acct'.
Modify task 8 'pay Bruno Tessone $90.00'? (yes/no/all/quit) all
Modifying task 8 'pay Bruno Tessone $90.00'.
This is a recurring task. Do you want to modify all pending recurrences of this same task? (yes/no) yes
Modifying recurring task 55 'pay Bruno Tessone $90.00'.
Modifying recurring task 59 'pay Bruno Tessone $90.00'.
Modifying recurring task 66 'pay Bruno Tessone $90.00'.
Modifying recurring task 67 'pay Bruno Tessone $90.00'.
### vit rc file
## f-keys
# map 265=man vit
map <F1>=:h<Return>
map <F2>=:blocking<Return>
map <F3>=:waiting<Return>
map <F4>=:active<Return>
map <F5>=:minimal<Return>
linuxcaffe / gist:fb4dbe76a796752020f6
Created May 31, 2014 18:07
taskwarrior history aliases missing?
djp@tigger:~/tmp/task$ tw history ; tw ghistory ; tw history.weekly ; tw ghistory.weekly ; tw history.monthly ; tw ghistory.monthly
+task history
# alias word 'history.monthly'
# alias word 'history.monthly'
# alias word 'history.monthly'
# alias word 'history.monthly'
# alias word 'history.monthly'
# alias word 'history.monthly'
# alias word 'history.monthly'
# alias word 'history.monthly'
linuxcaffe / gist:a5852f26b1b523341832
Created June 3, 2014 03:42
task calc experiments
djp@tigger:~/tmp/task$ tw sync
+task sync
Syncing with
Sync successful. 12 changes uploaded.
djp@tigger:~/tmp/task$ tw calc 10.project
+task calc 10.project
djp@tigger:~/tmp/task$ tw 10
+task 10
linuxcaffe / gist:4278341566c0d3010d12
Created June 5, 2014 06:32
hledger 0.23.2 update errors
Loading package utf8-string-0.3.7 ... linking ... done.
Loading package hledger-lib-0.23.2 ... linking ... done.
Loading package containers- ... linking ... done.
Loading package template-haskell ...
GHCi runtime linker: fatal error: I found a duplicate definition for symbol
whilst processing object file
This could be caused by: