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djp@transit:~/dotfiles$ tw rc: show report.long
Using alternate .taskrc file
Config Variable Value
report.long.columns id,,entry,modified.age,depends,priority,project,tags,recur,wait.remaining,scheduled,due,until,description
report.long.description All details of tasks
report.long.filter status:pending
report.long.labels ID,A,Created,Mod,Deps,P,Project,Tags,Recur,Wait,Sched,Due,Until,Description
report.long.sort modified-
djp@transit:~/dotfiles$ tw rc: rc.debug=on long
Timer Config::load () 0.001010 sec
No context.
Found hook script /home/djp/.task/hooks/on-add-pirate
Found hook script /home/djp/.task/hooks/
Found hook script /home/djp/.task/hooks/
Found hook script /home/djp/.task/hooks/on-modify-pirate
Found hook script /home/djp/.task/hooks/
Found hook script /home/djp/.task/hooks/
Parse Tree (before command-specifіc processing)
taskwarrior ascii logo
by djp
released under MIT
.' .---. '.
/ / _ _ \ \
; |( V )| ;
; | ) ( | ;
\ `.| |.' /
djp@transit:~/.vim/bundle/unite-taskwarrior$ tw long
Unknown error. Please report.
djp@transit:~/.vim/bundle/unite-taskwarrior$ tw rc.debug=on long
Timer Config::load (/home/djp/.task/djp.rc) 0.000683 sec
Timer Config::load (/home/djp/.task/hooks/tw-agenda-hook/agenda.rc) 0.000227 sec
Timer Config::load (/home/djp/.task/hooks/tw-needs-hook/needs.rc) 0.000163 sec
Timer Config::load (/home/djp/.task/rc.tmp) 0.000064 sec
Timer Config::load (/home/djp/.task/scripts/tw-alias-candy/alias-candy.rc) 0.000140 sec
Timer Config::load (/home/djp/.task/themes/djp/dark-256.theme) 0.000333 sec
Timer Config::load (/home/djp/.task/themes/theme.tmp) 0.000372 sec

taskwiki -- projects -- areas

Index Name :: Description :: top taskwiki index page Created :: Aug31, 2015 Manager :: djp Files :: ~/.task/wiki/

Taskwiki Index

== area == Description

linuxcaffe /
Last active September 4, 2015 05:53 — forked from wbsch/
Proof of concept for a Taskwarrior on-add hook that allows for "inline tags" when adding tasks
#!/usr/bin/env python
# PoC for "inline tags", as described in TW-1357
# Turns
# $ task add I saw @bob in the @garden
# Into the equivalent of
# $ task add I saw bob in the garden +bob +garden
.' .---. '.
/ / _ _ \ \
; |( V )| ;
; | ) ( | ;
\ `.| |.' /
'. .'
_ _ v0.8
_ _ _ __ (_) |_ ___ .-'""'-.
| | | | '_ \| | __/ _ \ A unite.vim interface .' .---. '.
| |_| | | | | | || __/ to taskwarrior / / _ _ \ \
\__,_|_| |_|_|\__\___| _ ; |( V )| ;
| |_ __ _ ___| | ____ ____ _ _ __ _ __(_) ___ _ __ ; | ) ( | ;
| __/ _` / __| |/ /\ \ /\ / / _` | '__| '__| |/ _ \| '__| \ `.| |.' /
| || (_| \__ \ < \ V V / (_| | | | | | | (_) | | '. .'
\__\__,_|___/_|\_\ \_/\_/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|\___/|_| '-....-'
:Author: djp
:Email: djp@transit
:Date: 2015-09-02 14:04
Named Date Ranges is a proposal for just that; ranges of dates that are
user-defined (named).
NDRs would be user-defined in taskrc (or included file) a would consist of 2
Configuring aeson-
Building aeson-
Preprocessing library aeson-
Data/Aeson/TH.hs:2:24: Warning:
-XOverlappingInstances is deprecated: instead use per-instance pragmas OVERLAPPING/OVERLAPPABLE/OVERLAPS
Data/Aeson/Types/Generic.hs:2:45: Warning:
-XOverlappingInstances is deprecated: instead use per-instance pragmas OVERLAPPING/OVERLAPPABLE/OVERLAPS