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Lissa Hyacinth lissahyacinth

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lissahyacinth / regexp_extract.R
Last active June 12, 2017 14:14
Base Replacement Regexp_Extract [R]
# regexp_extract - Replacement for base regexp_matching in R
# Uses default matching for regular expressions, but supports capture groups.
# Main use is an alternative to bad gsub matching to pull out features.
# regexp_extract(pattern = '([0-9])([a-z])',
# text = '3k2n2k',
# perl = TRUE,
# group = 1)
# > 3
lissahyacinth / array_sort_by.sql
Last active May 16, 2017 22:45
Presto SQL Generic Structure for sorting an array by another array
-- LINES 1 - 4: Transform( to x -> ELEMENT_AT
-- The TRANSFORM orders the array by a transform of the array.
-- Channel Array is of form A#T :: String, where T :: Integral
-- RESULT: An ordered array :: Integral, which will form our keys for the second section.
-- LINES 5 - 11: ELEMENT_AT( to END
-- We now take our keys one by one, and use them in ELEMENT_AT(mapping, key) to generate a new array.
-- As our keys are in the right order, our end array will also be. (Duplicate keys will cause a missing hit.)
-- The other lines generate the actual map.
-- RESULT: An ordered array.
lissahyacinth / select_multi.R
Last active May 24, 2017 13:21
Selection without the pain of loading packages.
select_multi <- function(df, cols){
if("data.table" %in% class(df)){
return(df[,c(1:ncol(df))[colnames(df) %in% cols], with = FALSE])
df[,c(1:ncol(df))[colnames(df) %in% cols]]
lissahyacinth / char_ngram_base.R
Created June 28, 2017 10:10
Creating ngrams for characters in base R
ngram = function(x, y, n = 2) {
if((which(x==y) + (n-2)) >= length(y)){return('')}
lapply(0:(n-1), function(z){
y[which(x == y) + z]
})), collapse = ",")
lissahyacinth / Residuals Mapping (MAPE).R
Created September 4, 2017 09:23
Return default graphs you'd expect from LM but with custom eresults
get_resid_map <- function(model, test_data, test_col){
prediction <- predict(model, test_data)
test_data_col = test_data[[test_col]]
sprintf("MAPE is %s", MAPE(actual = test_data_col, predicted = prediction))
frame = data.frame(predicted = prediction, actual = test_data_col)
frame$diff = frame$predicted - frame$actual
frame$absdiff = abs(frame$predicted - frame$actual)
mape = sprintf("MAPE is %s", MAPE(actual = test_data_col, predicted = prediction)),
pva = ggplot(data = frame, aes(x = predicted, y = actual)) + geom_jitter() + ggtitle("Predicted v Actuals"),
# Changing Prompt for Bash
inside_git_repo="\$(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null)"
parse_git_branch() {
if [ "$inside_git_repo" ]; then
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'
else echo ""
lissahyacinth / PrestoMLExample.sql
Created November 9, 2018 10:23
PrestoML Example
-- Example learning sin(x)
WITH validation_data AS (
MAP(ARRAY[feature_label], ARRAY[feature]) AS features
TRANSFORM(REPEAT(1, 100), X -> CAST(X AS BIGINT)) AS n_feature_label,
lissahyacinth / PrestoExample.R
Created November 22, 2018 14:11
# Utils ####
.request.headers <- function(conn, transaction_id = 'NONE') {
if(transaction_id == 'NONE'){
"X-Presto-User"= conn@user,
"X-Presto-Catalog"= conn@catalog,
// Design copied from emk's Rust Streaming (
use std::cell::Cell;
pub struct StreamingView<'a, T> {
cur: Cell<usize>,
limit: usize,
reference: &'a[T]
let reducable a b =
{code for aA reducing to nothing etc}
let rec solve a x =
if a.length = 0
then match x with
# a :: b indicates that x is being split into a - the head and b - the tail of the list.
# [] indicates an empty element
elem :: list_of_elems -> (solve elem list_of_elems)