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Lara Schütt literallylara

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// More info on the boilerplate at
<canvas style=width:512px;height:512px id=a><svg onload='for(i in g=a.getContext`webgl`)g[i[0]+i[6]]=g[i];with(g)vA(P=cP(),2,5120,bD(B=ET-3,Int8Array.of(B,setInterval(x=>dr(6,vertexAttrib1f(1,NO+=.01),3),A=s=>sS(S=cS(FN++),s)|ce(S)|aS(P,S)),!A(`${V="precision lowp float;varying vec4 C,U;mat2 rot(float a){float c=cos(a),s=sin(a);return mat2(c,-s,s,c);}void main(){"}vec3 c=vec3(0),p,q;float t=0.,d,e,f,j,T=U.x;for(float i=0.;i<99.;i++){p=vec3(C.xy*3.,t-3.);q=p;q.yz*=rot(T-.8);q.xy*=rot(T-.6);e=max(length(q.xz)-.15,abs(q.y)-2.);q=p;q.xz*=rot(.8);q.yz*=rot(.6);f=length(vec2(length(q.xy)-2.,q.z))-.1;q=p;q.xz*=rot(-.8);q.yz*=rot(.6);f=min(f,length(vec2(length(q.xy)-2.,q.z))-.1);d=min(e,f);t+=d;if(d<.01){c=vec3(1.3-step(length(p),1.));j=i;break;}}gl_FragColor=vec4(c-t*j/50.,1);}`),B,!eV(bf(B,cB())),!A(`attribute vec4 A,B;${V}gl_Position=C=A;U=B;}`)),B+82),lo(P),ug(P))'>
<canvas id=c style="border:1px solid"><script>
A = new AudioContext
C = c.getContext`2d`
a = A.createAnalyser()
s = A.createScriptProcessor(a.fftSize=b=1024,t=0,1)
* Calculates an element's bounds to any given
* layer/skin (content, padding, border margin).
* @author Lara Sophie Schütt (@literallylara)
* @license MIT
* @param {HTMLElement} el
* @param {object} [options]
* Performs a recursive binary search upon the interval [min,max]
* where `getDirection()` determines the direction of the current value
* in relation to the reference value.
* Due to the properties of this algorithm,
* reaching the solution will always take less than `⌈log₂(max-min)⌉` steps.
* @author Lara Sophie Schütt (@literallylara)
* @license MIT
* RIFF WAVE PCM file generator
* Reference:
* @author Lara Sophie Schütt (@literallylara)
* @license CC0
const DUR = 5 // duration in seconds
const NCH = 1 // number of channels
export default {
"aliceblue": "#f0f8ff",
"antiquewhite": "#faebd7",
"aqua": "#00ffff",
"aquamarine": "#7fffd4",
"azure": "#f0ffff",
"beige": "#f5f5dc",
"bisque": "#ffe4c4",
"black": "#000000",
"blanchedalmond": "#ffebcd",
* Promise wrapper for web workers.
* @author Lara Sophie Schütt (@literallylara)
* @license MIT
export default class PromiseWorker
constructor(fn, ...args)
* MIDI parser for JavaScript
* Reference:
* @author Lara Sophie Schütt (@literallylara)
* @license MIT
const MIDI = {}
* Performs a fuzzy search on a list of values (haystack)
* with the provided query (needle) and sorts each match
* based on its scoring.
* TODO: adjust scoring logic
* @author Lara Sophie Schütt (@literallylara)
* @license MIT



Together with HellMood we won this year's (2016) JS1K competition and thought this might be a good opportunity to write about the development process and my motivation behind it. If you're already familiar with JS1K, feel free to skip the next two paragraphs.