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Last active January 2, 2016 23:39
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Angular.js service used to send buffered client-side logs to the server-side Web API.
'use strict';
function($scope, $rootScope, $location, ...) {
// ...
$scope.$on("$routeChangeSuccess", function (angularEvent, current, previous) {
$scope.$emit("log:nebula", "Route changed: [" + $location.path() + "]");
$rootScope.$on("log:nebula", function (e, data) {
nebulaLogSvc.log(data, ...);
'use strict';
nebulaApp.service('nebulaLogSvc', ['$http', 'NEBULA_URL', function($http, nebulaUrl) {
var logBufferLength = 60;
var logBufferCpty = 10;
var idx = 1;
var apiLogger = Rx.Observer.create(function(entries) {
idx = idx + 1;
$'' + nebulaUrl + 'api/Nebula/Log',
id: idx,
entries: entries
var loggedEvents = new Rx.Subject();
loggedEvents.bufferWithTimeOrCount(logBufferLength * 1000, logBufferCpty)
.filter(function (array) {
return (array.length > 0);
function LogEntry(message, loginName) {
idx = idx + 1; = idx;
this.timeStamp = moment().toJSON();
this.message = message;
this.loginName = loginName;
this.log = function(message, loginName) {
loggedEvents.onNext(new LogEntry(message, loginName));
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