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“Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic.”

Dean Lofts loftwah

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic.”
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Last active March 28, 2024 07:10
What is Echosight?

Echosight: Your Public Social Analytics Dashboard

Echosight is an advanced analytics platform tailored for Twitter/X users who wish to showcase their social media analytics publicly. Echosight provides an engaging public page feature, allowing users to share their social media metrics with followers, stakeholders, or clients, ensuring transparency and real-time data sharing.

Key Features:

  • Public Analytics Page: Share your social media analytics with the world through a public Echosight page, demonstrating your social reach and engagement in real time.

  • Profile Synchronisation: Echosight keeps your public page fresh by syncing your Twitter/X avatar and banner automatically, maintaining your branding consistency.

loftwah /
Last active March 29, 2024 11:10
Loftwah's DevOps Pathway

Loftwah's DevOps Pathway

Learning a Programming Language

My journey in DevOps began with learning Ruby. This language laid the foundation for my understanding of software development, enabling me to script, automate, and develop applications effectively.

Learning a Programming Language: A Deep Dive into Ruby

Embarking on a DevOps career often starts with mastering a programming language, and for me, Ruby was the cornerstone. This section will guide you through the process of learning Ruby, highlighting the key areas to focus on and offering practical advice to streamline your learning journey.

loftwah /
Created March 21, 2024 23:38
Real Estate Concept

Concept Overview:

Develop a comprehensive real estate platform that transcends traditional buy-sell paradigms, focusing instead on providing renters, landlords, and real estate agents with in-depth property data, user experiences, and community insights. This platform aims to enhance transparency and decision-making in the rental market through detailed property information, user-generated content, and integration of environmental and local news data.

Key Features:

  1. Detailed Property Listings: Offer listings that provide extensive information about properties, focusing on rental experiences, property management, and local amenities, rather than sales.

  2. User Reviews and Ratings: Enable users to review and rate properties, landlords, and real estate agents, creating a Trustpilot-like system for the real estate sector.

loftwah /
Last active March 21, 2024 08:21

Unveiling Echosight: The Game-Changer in Short-Term Social Media Analytics

As the digital world spirals into an era of endless data, the prowess to not just collect but also comprehend and utilize this data has become indispensable. Enter Echosight, a cutting-edge Twitter/X analytics tool that's setting a new benchmark for social media strategists, influencers, and businesses alike. Here's why Echosight isn't just another analytics platform, but a game-changer in the realm of digital engagement.

A Tailored View for the Fast-Paced Digital World

Echosight fills a unique niche. It offers a specialized, short-term analytical view that’s perfect for events, campaigns, and promotions. In the fast-paced digital landscape, strategies pivot quickly, and the ability to react in real time can set you apart. Echosight's 7-14 day analytical window provides just that—real-time reactions backed by solid data.

User-Centric Analytics: More Than Just Numbers

loftwah /
Last active March 19, 2024 11:48
Loftwah's Lessons

Loftwah's Lessons


Hello, fellow tech enthusiasts! I'm Dean Lofts, aka Loftwah, and I've been fortunate enough to have a diverse and exciting career in the tech industry. In this comprehensive guide, I'll share my experiences, insights, and practical advice to help you navigate the ever-evolving world of technology. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your career to the next level, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed.

My Journey: From Humble Beginnings to Senior DevOps Engineer

My passion for technology started at a young age. Born in 1985, I grew up during the early days of personal computing and gaming. My first experience with computers was using an Apple 2e, which ignited my curiosity and set me on the path to becoming a tech professional.

loftwah /
Last active March 18, 2024 09:52
System Design Guide

Loftwah's Ultimate Guide to System Design: A Comprehensive Analysis of Linkarooie

Introduction to System Design

System design is a crucial aspect of software development that forms the backbone of building robust, scalable, and maintainable systems. It involves understanding the system's requirements, defining clear specifications, and creating a detailed blueprint that guides the development process. A well-designed system architecture ensures that the system can handle growth, adapt to changing needs, and deliver a seamless user experience.

In this guide, we'll embark on a deep dive into the world of system design, using Linkarooie, an innovative platform for managing and synchronizing online presence across popular platforms like Twitter/X, Instagram, and Facebook, as our case study. We'll explore the functional and non-functional requirements, system architecture, components, and various considerations that go into designing a complex system like Linkarooie.

Linkarooie: Revolutionizing Online

loftwah /
Last active March 11, 2024 01:56
Landing pages

Gay Fish Landing Page Creation Guide


This guide is designed to assist the Gay Fish team in developing a cohesive, impactful landing page that showcases its innovative product suite, drawing inspiration from other well-crafted landing pages.


Create a landing page that encapsulates the essence of Gay Fish's brand while effectively promoting its key products: (AI chatbot), (graphics studio), (feature flag service), and (URL shortener).

loftwah /
Last active March 9, 2024 23:58
URL Shortener Ruby on Rails

URL Shortener Service Design

This comprehensive design document outlines a URL shortener service using Ruby on Rails, detailing each component's role within the system, infrastructure setup on AWS, CI/CD processes with GitHub Actions, and Terraform for infrastructure management. The design aims to ensure scalability, security, and maintainability.

System Architecture Overview

The system is divided into several core components, each designed to handle specific aspects of the service:

  • Frontend: A web interface for user interaction, built with Rails views and Tailwind CSS for styling.
  • Backend: Rails application handling business logic, data processing, and server-client communication.
loftwah /
Last active March 9, 2024 09:58
Echosight Architecture

Echosight Application Deployment Architecture

This document outlines a detailed deployment architecture for the Echosight Rails application, utilizing AWS for hosting and Cloudflare for DNS and CDN functionalities. The deployment is automated through GitHub Actions, triggered by merges to the master branch, ensuring an efficient CI/CD pipeline.

Architecture Overview

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loftwah /
Last active March 18, 2024 12:48
Rails application network

The Symphony of Connectivity: A Deep Dive Into a Rails Application's Network Journey

Explore the nuanced journey of data as it traverses through the layers of the OSI model, beginning with a user's action in a Ruby on Rails application, delving deep into the orchestration of network interactions, and culminating in the physical transmissions facilitated by dark fiber.

Scenario Overview

Imagine a Ruby on Rails application, a sophisticated platform for users to interact with, hosted in a state-of-the-art data center. This data center is interconnected with the wider internet through dark fiber, providing a direct, high-speed, and low-latency channel, ensuring swift and reliable data transmission. The application, backed by a robust Postgres database, serves a multitude of users, processing and responding to their requests in real-time.

1. Physical Layer: The Intricate Tapestry of Connectivity