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<title>Swarm Javascript Library Specifications</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../node_modules/mocha/mocha.css" charset="utf-8"/>
<script src=""
<script src="../node_modules/mocha/mocha.js"
function tip { echo -e '\E[37;44m'"\033[1m$1\033[0m"; }
set +h
umask 022
export LFS="/srv/lfs/6.6"
export LFS_TGT=$(uname -m)-lfs-linux-gnu
export PATH=/tools/bin:/bin:/usr/bin
logicalparadox /
Created October 15, 2013 02:23 — forked from crabtw/
#CXXFLAGS="-shared -fPIC -mips32r2 -msoft-float -mabi=32"
#LLCFLAGS="-march=mips -mcpu=mips32r2 -soft-float -mattr=+mips32r2,+o32 -relocation-model=pic -disable-fp-elim -segmented-stacks"
extern mod extra;
use extra::json::*;
* This function manages to do absolutely no copying, which is pretty cool.
* "What are all those `'r`s?" you ask. Well, they're liftime parameters. They
* indicate how long something lasts (before it's freed). They can't change how
* long something lives for, they only allow you to tell the compiler stuff it

Automated DevStack deployments on Rackspace with salt-cloud


Install salt-master and salt-cloud

These instructions will install salt-master and salt-cloud on recent Ubuntu releases. Consult the SaltStack Installation Documentation should you require instructions for other distributions.

echo deb `lsb_release -sc` main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/saltstack.list

Unionize: network superpowers for your docker containers

Unionize lets you connect together docker containers in arbitrarily complex scenarios.

Just check those examples.

LAMP stack with a private network between the MySQL and Apache containers

Let's create two containers, running the web tier and the database tier:

function printStackTrace() {
var callstack = [];
var isCallstackPopulated = false;
try {
i.dont.exist+=0; //doesn't exist- that's the point
} catch(e) {
if (e.stack) { //Firefox
var lines = e.stack.split('\n');
for (var i=0, len=lines.length; i<len; i++) {
if (lines[i].match(/^\s*[A-Za-z0-9\-_\$]+\(/)) {
## Node.js for Raspberry Pi Packaging Script
## =========================================
## Execute this script from within node.js git repo
## Use like this:
## ~/node/$ VERSION=v0.10.0 ./
if [ -z $VERSION ]; then
echo "set the VERSION first"
exit 1
#!/usr/bin/env node
* This module can verify that packages installed during development are
* identical to those installed during deployment. The standard npm shrinkwrap
* only ensures that package versions are the same, but does not verify contents.
* This module checks the shasum of the package tarballs downloaded by npm during
* development and deployment to ensure they are the same.
* Usage:
logicalparadox /
Created April 24, 2012 21:51 — forked from torgeir/
Redis 2.4.x Install on Ubuntu 10.04

Installation commands:

tar xvfz redis-2.4.8.tar.gz 
cd redis-2.4.8/
mkdir -p /opt/redis
make PREFIX=/opt/redis install
cp redis.conf /opt/redis/redis.conf
useradd -rMU -d /opt/redis -s /bin/false -c redis redis