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Taylor Martin logtdm

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//Assignment Five, Geo-Location Bluetooth Device
//Taylor Martin
int motor = 9; //motor attached to pin 9
float myLat = 0;
float myLong = 0;//declaring latitude and longitude
// Project One is titled, "World Lights"
//This project was made by Camille Kauffman and Taylor Martin
// Our project uses LED's to show World Issues
// Red LED's are used to show negative issues and Green LED's are used to show positive issues
// This project was created to show a visual idea of what is going on in the world, and our connection to it
// This project conceptualizes North Americas disconnect from the rest of the world
// The following is relevant code that we used or sourced from
// Each different set of code will be seperated by a comment
int ledPin = 12;
// Taylor Martin
// Tutorial Three, Part A
// The following is a Processing Sketch that draws Ellipse's
// On the screen. The Ellipse changes colours as the mouse
// Moves along its Horizantle and Vertical coordinates
void setup(){ //this function runs once when the program starts
//and is used to define the inital environment properties
// Taylor Martin
// The following is Processing Sketch the draws a 3D City Scape
// The Camera function and mouseX determines the movements of the
// Mouse and how it will react when dragged across the Screen
// In order to Mash this project with previously designed code
// Flocking from was used, this code created an
// Abstract image of "Birds", this worked while with the City Scape Theme
Flock flock;
// Taylor Martin
// The following is not my code, it was used as a reference
// For the code Mash up in Tutorial Three, Part B
// This code was accessed from
Flock flock;
void setup() {
size(640, 360);
//Project Two: The Room
//Taylor Martin and Camille Kauffman
//The Following Code Uses a Proximity Sensor to
//Turn on a Motor. The Motor then Twists a Series
//Of Gears that Push Down on the Nozzle of a Spray Can.
int motorPin1 = 3; //primary data-type for number storage, delcaring storage as pin 3
int sharp = A4; //primary data-type for number storage, delcaring analog pin 4 as storage
//Taylor Martin and Camille Kauffman
//Project Two, The Room
//Processing Code
//The Following Code is a Very Simple Example of Code
//In Processing that is Hooked up to Arduino
import processing.serial.*; //Finding serial connection in processing
// Project Three is titled, "Star Wars Pinball"
//This project was made by Taylor Martin, Josh Green, Sugeevan Shanmuganathan and Vivien Tang
// Our project uses LED's, Solenoids and Basic Mechanics to simulate a Pinball Machine
// The Solenoid is Connected to the Internet Where the User can Activate the Pinball Machine
// This project was created to mash an Online Digital Environment with a Physical Device
// The following is relevant code that we used
// Each different set of code will be seperated by Parts
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class OSCRecieverCS : MonoBehaviour {
private string RemoteIP = "127.0f.0.1f"; //127.0f.0.1f signifies a local host (if testing locally
private int ListenerPort = 8338; //the port you will be listening on
private int SendToPort = 9000;
private Osc handler;
public class PlayerMovementCS : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject gObj;
public OSCRecieverCS mouthHeightScript; //use this line in a game controller
public float turnSpeed = 70f;
public float movementSpeed = 55.0f;
void Start (){
//gObj = new GameObject ("Cube");