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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Dial timeout="10">706-325-2079</Dial>
<Dial timeout="15">404-451-0516</Dial>
<Say>Hello, you have reached Tourbuzz. Please leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.</Say>
<Record transcribe="true" transcribeCallback=""/>
lorennorman / hello.cljs
Created January 5, 2015 22:00
dirty dirty maze generator to learn clojure(script)
(ns cljsgame.hello)
(defn create []
(defn update []
/* mobile first */
.bathroom.label-icon {
@include tb-icon('bathroom', ms(3)); // Font size in tb-icon call required
.bedroom.label-icon {
@include tb-icon('bedroom', ms(3)); // Font size in tb-icon call required, ugly repetition
lorennorman / gist:91403
Created April 7, 2009 19:02
My favorite Rails setup.
# My Rails 2.3 Template
# You can use it like this:
# rails your_app_name -m
# Plugins
plugin 'rspec', :git => 'git://'
plugin 'rspec-rails', :git => 'git://'
plugin 'role_requirement', :git => 'git://'
plugin 'restful-authentication', :git => 'git://'
plugin 'aasm', :git => 'git://'
lorennorman / Basic Git
Created September 26, 2009 20:03
A Rails template for a bare bones, but checked in, install. Used this as a starting point and add your favorite gems, scripts, and libraries.
# Basic Rails project, default files cleaned up and checked into Git
# Partly taken from:
# Use it like this:
# rails your_app_name -m
# rails:rm_tmp_dirs
["./tmp/pids", "./tmp/sessions", "./tmp/sockets", "./tmp/cache"].each do |f|
run("rmdir ./#{f}")
# STI Models
class Question < AR::Base; end # should never be instantiated
class YesNoQuestion < Question; end # should
class TextQuestion < Question; end # should
# etc...
# Form.rb (model)
accepts_nested_attributes_for :questions # except I don't want to instantiate Question!
# forms/edit.html.erb (view)
# Stolen from:
class User
include MongoMapper::Document
many :posts
class Post
include MongoMapper::Document
<% semantic_form_for @model_name do |form| %>
<%= form.inputs %>
<%= form.buttons %>
<% end %>
// Watches the spec files for changes and reloads the Jasmine test runner
// Watches the source files for changes and auto-builds with Sprockets
// Rebuilds also trigger the tests
var SOURCE_DIR = "src";
var SOURCE_MAIN = SOURCE_DIR+'/application.js';
var BUILD_DIR = 'build';
var BUILD_MAIN = BUILD_DIR+'/application.js';
var SPEC_DIR = 'spec';
var WATCH_INTERVAL = 5000;
// Let's specify some Behaviors, first
// Gotta have x,y coords!
var Positionable =
{ x: 0
, y: 0 // phear my inverted c0mmaZ!
// Mmmm, delicious physics
var Physical =