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Created March 9, 2017 01:56
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"source": "# Jupyter continued\n\nIn my [previous post on Jupyter](, I talked about getting it up and running on HTTPS with Nbextensions and Google Drive in AWS' ECS. This time I'm going to look at some of the features I've been using and look at getting a blog publishing workflow set up.\n\nIt'll probably be obvious to any longeterm IPython and Jupyter users that I'm new to all this. I'm probably doing things in suboptimal ways (please [let me know](\n\nSome of these extensions will be replaced with built-in functionality in the upcoming Jupyter 5 release, so I'm looking forward to that.\n\n## Nbextensions\n\n### Gists\n\nThe `Gist-it` extension is great, but before you use it, make sure you've added a personal access token in the settings. Otherwise, not only will all your gists be public (regardless of the selection you've made when publishing), but they'll be anonymous so you won't be able to edit or delete them.\n\n### Ruler\n\nI like to keep my code to 78 characters (it allows me to have side-by-side vim windows on most monitor sizes I use). The ruler extension is just a convenient tool to help with that.\n\n### Hide input\n\nSometimes when you're working on something you just want to see the output. This lets you do that.\n\n### Tables\n\nThe `table_beautifier` extension works well to make tables look nicer.\n\n| Heading 1 | Heading 2 |\n|-----------|-----------|\n| Content 1 | Content 2 |\n\n\n### Scratchpad\n\nThis is hugely useful. `Control-B` brings up the scratchpad. You can mess with things in the context of your notebook (in the same kernel) without polluting it with all your indermediate stuff.\n\n## Blogging\n\nAs for blogging my Jupyter (man, I keep wanting to write IPython) notebooks, well, I've decided simply to use gists. With the gist extension working well (and correctly ascribing my gists to me), I discovered that the gist interface had pretty much all the features I'd need in a blog:\n\n1. A list of articles\n2. A preview of each article\n3. No need to worry about theme\n4. Ability to comment on \"posts\"\n5. An Atom feed (\n\nA couple of things that are missing:\n\n1. I don't seem to be able to do is use a CNAME as I can with GitHub pages. Perhaps a simple redirect is in order? Or maybe someone has built something on top of gist that will add this?\n2. The URLs aren't friendly (e.g.,\n\nI wonder… will people recognise it as a blog?"
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