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from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import urllib
dbpedia_endpoint = ""
ns = {'ns': '{}'}
result_xpath ='%(ns)sresults/%(ns)sresult/%(ns)sbinding/%(ns)sliteral' % ns
def wikipedia_abstract_from_dbpedia(dbpedia_key):
sparql = """
SELECT ?abstract
>>> class x(object):
... def __call__(self):
... print "Hello, World!"
>>> x()
<__main__.x object at 0x9a5a1ac>
>>> x()()
Hello, World!
>>> type(x)
<type 'type'>
Setting up Django using Apache/mod_wsgi on Ubuntu 8.10
This article will cover setting up Django using Apache/mod_wsgi on Ubuntu
8.10. The article is targeted at a production environment, but keep in mind
this is a more generalized environment. You may have different requirements,
but this article should at least provide the stepping stones.
The article will use distribution packages where nesscary. As of 8.10 the
FAIL: Test that object's __del__ methods are called on exit.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/nose/", line 183, in runTest
File "/home/ub/Downloads/ipython-0.11.bzr.r1340-py2.6.egg_FILES/IPython/testing/", line 225, in skipper_func
return f(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/ub/Downloads/ipython-0.11.bzr.r1340-py2.6.egg_FILES/IPython/core/tests/", line 160, in test_obj_del
IPython test group: IPython.config
/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/nose/plugins/ UserWarning: Module pkg_resources was already imported from /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.pyc, but /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages is being added to sys.path
import pkg_resources
/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/nose/plugins/ UserWarning: Module site was already imported from /usr/lib/python2.6/site.pyc, but /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages is being added to sys.path
import pkg_resources
Ran 10 tests in 0.013s
<QueryDict: {u'genericcontentblock_set-10-content': [u''], u'genericcontentblock_set-11-title': [u''], u'page_title': [u''], u'genericcontentblock_set-0-title': [u'adasdasd'], u'genericcontentblock_set-11-content': [u''], u'genericcontentblock_set-3-content': [u''], u'genericcontentblock_set-1-data': [u'dsadasdasd'], u'genericcontentblock_set-4-data': [u'Madhapur, Hyderabad'], u'genericcontentblock_set-8-id': [u'307'], u'genericcontentblock_set-1-id': [u'300'], u'genericcontentblock_set-5-data': [u'hyderabad'], u'genericcontentblock_set-4-revision': [u'286'], u'genericcontentblock_set-0-content': [u''], u'genericcontentblock_set-1-content': [u''], u'genericcontentblock_set-5-title': [u''], u'genericcontentblock_set-6-id': [u'305'], u'genericcontentblock_set-4-content': [u''], u'genericcontentblock_set-2-id': [u'301'], u'genericcontentblock_set-11-id': [u''], u'genericcontentblock_set-9-content': [u''], u'genericcontentblock_set-7-title': [u''], u'genericcontentblock_set-INITIAL_FORMS': [u'9'], u'genericconten
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.template.context import RequestContext
def eb_render(request, *args, **kwargs):
Replacement for render_to_response that uses RequestContext and sets an
extra template variable, TEMPLATE_NAME.
kwargs['context_instance'] = RequestContext(request)
return render_to_response(*args, **kwargs)
def render(request, template_name, args=None, kwargs=None):
context = dict([ (var, locals()[var]) for var in args ]) if args else {}
context.update(kwargs) if kwargs else pass
return render_to_response(template_name,context,RequestContext(request))
class A():
def __new__(cls,i):
class C(cls,B):
print C
self = C()
print self
return self
ids = ['4153869960',
import urllib
import json