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Iryna Shestak lrlna

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lrlna /
Created November 2, 2017 11:51
London, the staples.

Ira's lil guide to ldn (stationary, coffee, ramen). More to come, maybe?


lrlna /
Last active October 5, 2017 15:21
ira's suggestions on best things in vancouver

This information might be out of date, since last I lived in Vancouver was over a year ago, so maybe things have changed, and new places popped up. This is a list of my favs when I lived there :D I mostly lived in Vancouver-Vancouver and Downtown parts of town, so this information is based around that as well. There might be good places out in other parts of the city that you should definitely explore if you can!


  1. Ramen Jinya is amazing. Their Tonkotsu broth is nom nom nom, and they also do take out if you're stuck and don't want to wait in the queue (cause they have queues).
  2. Ramen Butcher. In Chinatown part of the city, which is an awesome place to explore and walk around to begin with, but also their Tonkotsu is 👌🏾 👌🏾.
  3. Ramen Koika. In the West End! Close to the Sea Wall, and on Davie street, which is an awesome place to walk around in general!!
  4. Ramen Gojiro. They have a different t
var merry = require('merry')
var app = merry()
app.route('GET', '/', function (req, res, ctx) {
ctx.send(200, { subject: '/ butts' })
app.route('GET', '/download', function (req, res, ctx) {
res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment')
irina@aniri-Satellite-L350 ~/developer/yargs $ npm test

> yargs@3.32.0 pretest /home/irina/developer/yargs
> standard

> yargs@3.32.0 test /home/irina/developer/yargs
> nyc --cache mocha --require ./test/before.js --timeout=4000 --check-leaks
it('fails with invalid command', function (done) {
yargs('marsupial -w 10')
.command('marsupial', 'wombat burrows', function (yargs, argv) {
return argv
.demand(1, ['w', 'b'])
.fail(function (msg) {
msg.should.equal('Missing required argument: b')
Alright, that's a mouthful. Let's break it down.
1. We will be looking at cellular automata. A cellular automata is a set of units governed with very simple rules. These units make up a complex system, or model.
2. We can train cellular automata to genetically evolve, making themselves better overtime. We can make them adhere to a set of rules that would make the system reach a certain outcome at the end of N generations. We can even use these concepts in the wild.
3. We will be doing it all with JavaScript.
in package.json
  • `"preferGlobal": true
  • `"bin": { "nameOfModule": "entryFile.js" }
  • in entryFile.js --> #! /usr/bin/env node on top
  • npm link
lrlna /
Last active September 8, 2015 04:45

###Building Interactive npm Command Line Modules -- all the things.

Here you are coding away, when you realize you're in desperate need of a quick shell script to get your project cleaned up. You're standing at a fork in the road: Bash or Node? You choose the road less travelled by (for some reason) -- Node. I congratulate you on this decision. You've written it, you may have published it, and it certainly works. But what now? Is this all a command line module Node is good for: a project clean up and some data manipulation?

Let's take it a step further. Let's make a command line module that's more than just your compiling script. I am, of course, talking about making it more interactive.

In this talk I want to take you on an adventure that will require cunning, bravery, and maybe some magic. We will walk through obtaining and parsing data, using Node's process functions, and finally improving your module's user experience.