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lucabelluccini /
Created October 24, 2017 12:56
Talk checklist

This is to be copied and used as a template. The best practice is to start with your conclusion and introduction. Once these sections are done you can focus on your talk outline. From there everything should follow. SELECTION COMMITTEES:

Many selection committees are looking for these things when they score a proposal: Relevance: Is this topic interesting to an audience of Go programmers? What is it about the topic that is unique to its use of Go? Novelty and Originality: Does the talk provide the audience with new information? Preference will be given to presentations not previously available to a wide audience. Knowledge: Has the speaker demonstrated a strong understanding of their subject? Coverage: Does the proposal cover the topic in depth? What are the main insights? Organization: Is the proposal well organized? Will the audience tune into the narrative? Will the speaker use their time effectively? Bottom Line: What’s the takeaway o

lucabelluccini /
Last active March 16, 2019 12:20
WSL Windows useful links

Docker on RPi

  • To install docker, just run curl -sSL | sh and add the user via sudo usermod -aG docker <user> or sudo setfacl -m user:$USER:rw /var/run/docker.sock
  • At least on 2017-12, on Raspbian Stretch, add to the file /boot/cmdline.txt the kernel parameter cgroup_memory=1 and cgroup_enable=memory
  • At least on 2017-12, on Raspbian Stretch, run sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 to let docker port forward
  • Most common images can be found via docker search arm32v6 or docker search rpi
  • For Docker compose: sudo apt install -y python-pip and sudo pip install docker-compose

Useful links

lucabelluccini /
Last active June 10, 2018 12:01
Android / ChromeOS
# Raspberry Pi microSD card benchmark script.
# A script I use to automate the running and reporting of benchmarks I compile
# for:
# Usage:
# # Run it locally.
# $ sudo ./
lucabelluccini / youtube-domains.txt
Last active March 16, 2019 12:14
Domains of Youtube
lucabelluccini / ssh-jump.txt
Created December 12, 2018 01:07
How to perform SSH jump
Using ProxyJump with SSH and SCP
By Paul Heinlein | Nov 2, 2017
It’s somewhat common to have what’s known as a “jump host” serve as an SSH gateway to a remote network. You use ssh to log into the jump host (or “jump server”) and from there use ssh to log into an internal host that’s not directly accessible from the Internet.
With the release of ssh version 7.3, the OpenSSH folks made it easier to do the jump and internal login in one step.
The Old Way
I’ve used the ProxyCommand for some time now, relying on nc to push SSH traffic over an established tunnel. Without going into the gory details, the process boils down to
lucabelluccini /
Created February 23, 2019 16:37
Install Beats on ARM

On a remote host:

git clone
cd beats
# checkout the version via tag
make crosscompile on the product
# pick the binaries and copy them

On the ARM system: