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Luca Innocenti lucainnocenti

  • University of Palermo
  • Palermo
View GitHub Profile
lucainnocenti / displacedFockProbs.m
Created December 17, 2019 19:01
Mathematica snippets to compute photon number distributions of displaced Fock states, and maybe other stuff
displacedFockProbs[n_, mu_, k_] := Times[
k! / n! * mu^(k - n),
Sum[Binomial[n, j] (-mu)^j / (k - n + j)!, {j, n - k, n}]^2
HTildeToff = \[Pi]/8 QPauliExpr[
(1 + 4 (\[Nu]1 + \[Nu]2 + \[Nu]3 + \[Nu]4))
+ 2 (4 (\[Nu]1 - \[Nu]2) - 1) x[3]
- (z[1] + z[2]) (1 - x[3])
+ (1 + 4 (\[Nu]1 + \[Nu]2 - \[Nu]3 - \[Nu]4)) z[1] z[2]
+ Sqrt[-((1 -
4 (\[Nu]1 - \[Nu]2))^2 - (4 (\[Nu]3 - \[Nu]4))^2)] (z[1] -
z[2]) z[3]
lucainnocenti / utils.m
Last active February 24, 2020 12:32
A bunch of utility functions
zeros[0] = 0;
zeros[dim_] := ConstantArray[0, {dim, dim}];
MF[expr_] := MatrixForm@expr;
(* take small matrix and embed it into a larger matrix, padding with zeros *)
injectIntoLargerMatrix[mat_, largerMatDim_, position_Integer: 1] := Module[{outMat},
(* put zeros on bottom right *)
If[largerMatDim - Length@mat - position + 1 > 0,
outMat = ArrayFlatten[{
lucainnocenti / distribute.m
Last active May 17, 2020 20:18
Replacement rules implementing a noncommutative algebra, and functions to show how expressions are written in terms of nested commutators
<< MaTeX`
distribute[args_] := (args //. {
HoldPattern[nc[l___, Plus[m__], r___]] :> Total[nc[l, #, r] & /@ {m}],
nc[l___, c_*nc[m__], r___] :> c nc[l, m, r],
nc[l___, nc[m__], r___] :> nc[l, m, r],
nc[-a_, b_] :> -nc[a, b],
nc[a_, -b_] :> -nc[a, b],
nc[nc[l : __], r_] :> nc[l, r], nc[l_, nc[r : __]] :> nc[l, r],
nc[a_] :> a
lucainnocenti / interpolationLinearApprox.m
Created July 31, 2020 12:34
linear approximation of function in MMA
xMax = 1.4;
numPartitions = 10; dx = xMax/numPartitions;
pointsAndLines[pts_] := {Point@pts, Line@pts};
fun[x_] := x^2;
Plot[fun@x, {x, 0, xMax},
PlotRange -> All, PlotStyle -> Directive[Thick], Frame -> True,
GridLines -> Automatic,
FrameStyle -> Directive[Black, Thick, Large],
PlotLegends -> "Expressions",
ImageSize -> 500
lucainnocenti / pointPlanesDualityInR2.m
Last active August 29, 2020 22:03
Dynamic visualisation of point-plane duality in convex geometry
DynamicModule[{pts={{1,1}}, activePoint=None},
Dynamic @ Show[
If[activePoint =!= None,
{Blue, Point @ pts[[activePoint]]}, {}
InfiniteLine[# / Norm[#]^2, Cross @ #] & /@ pts // Dynamic
lucainnocenti / euclideanAlgorithm.m
Created April 29, 2021 17:38
Perform and visualise Euclidean algorithm on a pair of integers
euclideanAlgorithmList[a_Integer, b_Integer] := NestWhileList[
With[{newSortedPair = {Max@# - Floor[Max@#/Min@#] Min@#, Min@#}},
If[#[[1]] > #[[2]], newSortedPair, Reverse@newSortedPair]
] &,
{a, b},
Min @ # > 1 &
DynamicModule[{a = 17, b = 10},
lucainnocenti / dynamicStereographicProjectionIn3D.m
Created August 8, 2021 23:29
Dynamic visualisation of stereographic projection of the sphere
stereoTo3D[x_, y_] := 1/(1 + x^2 + y^2) {2 x, 2 y, 1 - x^2 - y^2};
{pt = {0, 0}},
Row @ {
LocatorPane[Dynamic @ pt,
Graphics[{Gray, Disk[]}, Frame -> True, ImageSize -> 200]
lucainnocenti / visualiseDualFrames.m
Last active November 11, 2021 16:53
Dynamically visualise dual and parseval frames
getDualBasis[vecs_List] := With[{
sMatrix = Total[KroneckerProduct[#, Conjugate@#] & /@ vecs]
Dot[Inverse@sMatrix, #] & /@ vecs
getParsevalFrame[vecs_List] := With[{
sMatrix = Total[KroneckerProduct[#, Conjugate@#] & /@ vecs]
Dot[MatrixFunction[Sqrt, Inverse@sMatrix], #] & /@ vecs
lucainnocenti / shannonEntropy.m
Created November 15, 2021 02:44
Two-dimensional visualisation of Shannon entropy
ShannonEntropy[probs_] := -Total[# * Log @ #] & @ DeleteCases[probs, _?PossibleZeroQ];
par[t_, s_] = {1, 0, 0} + t / Sqrt@2 {-1, 1, 0} + s/Sqrt[3/2] {-1/2, -1/2, 1} // Simplify;
par[pars_List] := par @@ pars;
ShannonEntropy@par[t, s], {t, 0, Sqrt@2}, {s, 0, Sqrt[3/2]},
PlotRange -> All,
ColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap", PlotRangePadding -> None,
Contours -> 10,
FrameStyle -> Directive[Large, Black, FontFamily -> "Latin Modern Math"],
FrameLabel -> (MaTeX[#, Magnification -> 2] & /@ {"t", "s"}),