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LucyDjo lucydjo

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lucydjo / TwitterToAwsS3.js
Created December 3, 2018 11:54
Get tweet and upload to amazon aws | Nodejs | AWS S3
const fs = require('fs');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const path = require('path');
const Twit = require('twit');
var db = require('node-localdb');
var database = db('data_1.json');
//configuring Twitter api key
var T = new Twit({
consumer_key: '...',
# Testing
# Training
# batch=64
# subdivisions=16
# |------------------------------------------------------|
# | OS | OpenCV | Test | Last test |
# |------------------|--------------|------|-------------|
# | Ubuntu 18.04 LTS | OpenCV 3.4.2 | OK | 18 Jul 2018 |
# | Debian 9.5 | OpenCV 3.4.2 | OK | 18 Jul 2018 |
const brain = require('brain.js');
const fs = require('fs')
var validator = require('validator');
var csv = require('csv-parser')
const net = new brain.NeuralNetwork({
binaryThresh: 0.5,
hiddenLayers: [3], // array of ints for the sizes of the hidden layers in the network
activation: 'sigmoid', // supported activation types: ['sigmoid', 'relu', 'leaky-relu', 'tanh'],
leakyReluAlpha: 0.01 // supported for activation type 'leaky-relu'
lucydjo / StupidAI.js
Last active June 25, 2019 00:11
Help ! :p
const brain = require('brain.js');
const fs = require('fs')
var validator = require('validator');
var csv = require('csv-parser')
const net = new brain.NeuralNetwork();
let trainingData = [];
PS C:\Users\lpjo\Desktop\darknet-master-again> ./build.ps1
Found vcpkg in VCPKG_ROOT: C:\Users\lpjo\Desktop\vcpkg-master
Found VS in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community
Visual Studio Command Prompt variables set
Setting up environment to use CMake generator: Visual Studio 15 2017
Added missing env variable CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR
Répertoire : C:\Users\lpjo\Desktop\darknet-master-again
# This is the CMakeCache file.
# For build in directory: c:/Users/lpjo/Desktop/darknet-master-again/build_win_release
# It was generated by CMake: C:/Program Files/CMake/bin/cmake.exe
# You can edit this file to change values found and used by cmake.
# If you do not want to change any of the values, simply exit the editor.
# If you do want to change a value, simply edit, save, and exit the editor.
# The syntax for the file is as follows:
# KEY is the name of a variable in the cache.
# TYPE is a hint to GUIs for the type of VALUE, DO NOT EDIT TYPE!.
# This is the CMakeCache file.
# For build in directory: c:/Users/lpjo/Desktop/darknet-master/build_win_release
# It was generated by CMake: C:/Program Files/CMake/bin/cmake.exe
# You can edit this file to change values found and used by cmake.
# If you do not want to change any of the values, simply exit the editor.
# If you do want to change a value, simply edit, save, and exit the editor.
# The syntax for the file is as follows:
# KEY is the name of a variable in the cache.
# TYPE is a hint to GUIs for the type of VALUE, DO NOT EDIT TYPE!.
lucydjo / testing.js
Last active October 13, 2019 11:30
Digit recognition : Training Step
const fs = require('fs');
const db = require('node-localdb');
const csv = require('csvtojson');
const colors = require('colors');
const log = require('fancy-log');
const assert = require('assert');
const brain = require('brain.js');
const IterateObject = require("iterate-object");
const csvFilePath = 'digit_csv/train_slim.csv';
label pixel0 pixel1 pixel2 pixel3 pixel4 pixel5 pixel6 pixel7 pixel8 pixel9 pixel10 pixel11 pixel12 pixel13 pixel14 pixel15 pixel16 pixel17 pixel18 pixel19 pixel20 pixel21 pixel22 pixel23 pixel24 pixel25 pixel26 pixel27 pixel28 pixel29 pixel30 pixel31 pixel32 pixel33 pixel34 pixel35 pixel36 pixel37 pixel38 pixel39 pixel40 pixel41 pixel42 pixel43 pixel44 pixel45 pixel46 pixel47 pixel48 pixel49 pixel50 pixel51 pixel52 pixel53 pixel54 pixel55 pixel56 pixel57 pixel58 pixel59 pixel60 pixel61 pixel62 pixel63 pixel64 pixel65 pixel66 pixel67 pixel68 pixel69 pixel70 pixel71 pixel72 pixel73 pixel74 pixel75 pixel76 pixel77 pixel78 pixel79 pixel80 pixel81 pixel82 pixel83 pixel84 pixel85 pixel86 pixel87 pixel88 pixel89 pixel90 pixel91 pixel92 pixel93 pixel94 pixel95 pixel96 pixel97 pixel98 pixel99 pixel100 pixel101 pixel102 pixel103 pixel104 pixel105 pixel106 pixel107 pixel108 pixel109 pixel110 pixel111 pixel112 pixel113 pixel114 pixel115 pixel116 pixel117 pixel118 pixel119 pixel120 pixel121 pixel122 pixel123 pixel124 pix