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Ludovic Champenois ludoch

  • Google
  • United States
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ludoch /
Last active November 5, 2019 12:37
Quarkus Native Target deployment on Google App Engine Java11 runtime
# Generate a simple Quarkus app:
mvn io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:0.28.1:create \
-DprojectGroupId=hi -DprojectArtifactId=hi -DclassName=Hi -DprojectVersion=1 -Dpath="/hi"
export GRAALVM_HOME=~/graalvm-ce-19.2.1
cd hi
# On Linux, compile to a native application:
mvn package -Pnative
#prepare AppEngine Deployment with the generated binary and simple app.yaml with entrypoint:
ludoch /
Created November 8, 2019 13:29
Google App Engine Static Content Serving
# Inspiration:
# Create a directory of static content to deploy
mkdir -p gae/www
cd gae
#put static content web site under a www directory
cat > app.yaml
runtime: java11
# Generate a linux binary (could be c,c++,rust, Graalvm native, whatever executable that is listening to port 8080
# or the $PORT env variable)
# Let say it is called ./my_executable
# Prepare AppEngine Deployment with the compiled binary and simple app.yaml with entrypoint. We pick a GAE Java11 runtime,
# but it will execute the entrypoint program given in the entrypoint which can be any linux executable:
mkdir stage
cp ./my_executable stage
echo -e "runtime: java11\nentrypoint: ./my_executable" >stage/app.yaml
# Requirements: pack and Cloud SDK installed and configured for a given project
# Got to a Maven source directory containing a pom.xml
# We will create and public for this example the image tagged
pack build --publish --builder --run-image
# Deploy a Cloud run from the new image which is now in gcr repo
gcloud run deploy my-backend
ludoch /
Created March 6, 2020 16:48

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