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Luis Verde Arregoitia luisDVA

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luisDVA / pkgcomments.R
Created April 7, 2023 17:44
Code commets about loaded packages
# exploring comments about loaded packages
library(bigrquery) # CRAN v1.4.1
library(dplyr) # CRAN v1.1.1
library(stringr) # CRAN v1.5.0
library(readr) # CRAN v2.1.4
library(tidyr) # CRAN v1.3.0
library(rlang) # CRAN v1.1.0
library(purrr) # CRAN v1.0.1
luisDVA / svghelp.R
Created July 30, 2022 13:46
can't seem to change fill color in geom_point_svg
# the svg that I need to use
svg_url <- ""
cat_svg <- paste(readLines(svg_url), collapse = "\n")
# toy data
dat <-
dat$qual <- letters[1:4]
luisDVA / mapluis.R
Created May 20, 2022 18:03
# lista 1
dat1a <- tibble(id=c("A","B","C","D","E"),val=rnorm(5))
dat1b <- tibble(id=c("A","B","C","D","E"),val=rnorm(5))
dat1 <- list(dat1a,dat1b)
# lista dos
dat2a <- tibble(id=c("A","D","E"),label=rnorm(3))
dat2b_1 <- tibble(id=c("A","B","C","E"),label=rnorm(4))
## %######################################################%##
# #
#### Regex for data cleaning 1 - your turn ####
# #
## %######################################################%##
# After running the code below:
# #
#### Regex in R - Your Turn ####
# #
# Match the following regular expressions against the test vector below using `str_detect`.
## Can you explain the matches?
## %######################################################%##
# #
#### Letter case - your turn ####
# #
## %######################################################%##
# Import the Marine Protected Areas dataset (MPAS-your.csv)
# Summarize the number of Marine Protected Areas by country (Country full).
## %######################################################%##
# #
#### Compound values - your turn ####
# #
## %######################################################%##
# Import the Marine Protected Areas dataset (MPAS-your.csv)
# Separate the country codes variable (ISO3 and UN scheme)
# Unnest the Reference variable
# > Keep an eye on the separators
## %######################################################%##
# #
#### Unusable variable names - your turn ####
# #
## %######################################################%##
# - Import the Marine Protected Areas data (MPAS-your.csv)
# - Make the variable names usable by placing all header fragments in a single
# header row
# - Clean the names for consistency
## %######################################################%##
# #
#### Whitespace - your turn ####
# #
## %######################################################%##
# - Import the Marine Protected Areas data (MPAS-your.csv) from the previous lesson
# - check the Country variable for leading or trailing whitespace
# - Remove it if necessary.
## %######################################################%##
# #
#### Broken values - your turn ####
# #
## %######################################################%##
# Load the raw Age of Empires units dataset from csv (aoe_raw.csv)
# Identify the broken values in both the 'Type' and 'Name' columns and unbreak them
# Clean up any separator-related issues arising from the 'unbreaking'